How long will UP 4141 be in Chicago? And if it styas throughout the weekend, where will it go on Saturday morning?
Who knows what lurks in the hearts and minds of UP yardmasters Ha! It’s been a regular on the Chicago to Houston run this last month…Danny |
Have there been any plans to repaint it yet?
All three (1982, 1988, and 4141) will leave bright and early tomorrow. Unless you get up (or stay up) you’ll miss 'em. They should leave on MPRPB.
Where’s UP 4242?
So the trio will get to West Chicago at 9:30?
This is MPRPB, not MPRCB–you’ll have to get up a lot earlier than that. Are you up for some night photography?
Oh, uh,what line and what time?
West line, probably after 0200.
I don’t know if they will be together when they depart. Last I heard 1988 is now at Global Two and the others are at Proviso. I did swing by there this evening. They were all at the west end of the yard, but on separate tracks. 4141 and 1982 were coupled behind other UP engines and 1988 was all by itself. 1988 also had blue work flags hung on the left side.
Yep, that’s how they were all day–all in the same place (Proviso or Global 2–you decide). They’re all supposed to get together, which wouldn’t be that much of a problem.
So all day, those engines were at Berkley station!!! OH F***! I really want to boost my list of seen heritage units. I have already seen 1995 and 1982. But thats it!
The trio did not run down the west line. There was track construction in De Kalb so it ran down the IHB.
You wouldn’t have seen them from anywhere on public property, Andrew–don’t feel bad. And I didn’t know they were going east out of the yard until I saw on the screen that they were past Provo Junction.
Ok, I won’t feel bad about that. But they ran down the IHB!?!?!? Did they pass through LaGrange?
Yes, the trio did run through CP LaGrange. I was also on the Geneva Subdivision. I did see 1995 and 8701 head east on MCBPR, so even through the trio never ran down the line, it was still a good day. The reason for it running on the IHB was because the line was single tracked from Cortland to Malta. Main one was closed right by the old deport in De Kalb due to track construction. This is all just preparation work. This is the beginning of the major tie replacement that will be messing up the Geneva Sub big time the rest of May and much of June. They are putting in concrete ties from De Kalb to Dixon on main one.
The UP 4141, 1988 and 1982 left Pine Bluff around Noon today for Fort Worth. Should be in Fort Worth tomorrow morning.
Pine Bluff photos here from Ken Z