VERY cool! Ill watch it when it rolls through Rock Springs. I
ll be sure to be downtown that day!(with my cam.) Very nice to see this thing coming back through the area. Thanks to Ed and crew.
From outside America has always appeared to be onward, upward, never look back, bottom line profit or nothing. UP and 4014 proves there is still a heart and a respect for where they have come from and what has got them here. Great to see it happen.
Dramatic moments are ahead for the 4014! Am really looking forward to see it moving on its own. It should not take that long to get it under steam. Would love to ride in an old passenger car being pulled by that giant. U P, give it all you’ve got to get it back to its original, huffin’ and puffin’ powerful pulling iron-horse form!
Keep her moving slowly, carefully, she deserves special care.
The anticipation of seeing her run again is a dream come true!
Thank you boys of the U.P.
When they get this great engine running I hope I get to see it here in Georgia. Even better see it run on Norfolk southern line by my house. I’m 70 and as a kid I lived those steam engine’s even on the Belt Line in Chicago.
Great to see that U.P. will restore one of those grand old Big Boys, but the ultimate Heritage Locomotive would be to get the only existing cab-forward (Now in the Sacramento Rail Museum) activated and ready to run on the rails again. Would love to hear the unique whip-lash like sound of the air compressors on that locomotive again.
Kudos to the UP for restoring Big Boy 4014. I know what a Big Boy sounds like as I have a great recording of 4005 working Sherman Hill with 100 freight cars. Amazing sounds! Hope to be able to see and hear 4014. Big steam at its best!
I wonder when it passes through Vegas on its way to the Wyoming Shop if it will go past Rick’s Restoration when they are filming an episode of American Restoration for the History Channel,?as there are UP tracks going past there behind the shop and trains can seen going by in the back ground on the show.
Has anybody thought to have the History Channel do a Special on 4014 on the History of it and its fellow Big Boys and on the restoration of it to operating condition?,
it would make a great show if they did, and being on National TV would be great for it and Good Publicity for UP also and for preservation and restoration of Steam Locomotives like it that can be brought back to life.
I am glad to see that this Giant 4014 will make its way back to rails first on its journey to the steam shop with the assist of SD70ACe 4014 and another unit and then under its own power after restoration at the UP Steam Shop as mentioned the Feb Trains mag.
Grew up around trains,when I was an infant we lived at my late Grandparents house in the Auburndale section of Newton,Ma where my late Father grew up, and the Boston and Maine tracks(now CSX/MBTA Commuter rail from South Station) went past their back yard,now only two tracks remain as much of it was taken along with part of the neighborhood that my late Grandparents house was on for the expansion of the Mass Pike(I-90) extension to Boston.
I ride that train line from Boston when I come down to Mass for Christmas or Family gatherings after arriving on the Bus from NH in South Station and then back again after woulds to return to NH.It would be nice if there was a direct Train from Central NH to Boston’s South Station instead of having to take the Bus to Boston and then walk from the Bus terminal to the Train Terminal part of the Station.
When Big Boy 4014 finally returns to the rails it should tour the country as an ambassador for UP and for Steam as 'Living History",it would be nice if it came to Boston for all to see,what would be great is if the Steam Locomotive on outdoor display at Boston’s Museum of Science could restored to operation,I think it is still there but I don’t know what its condition is and if it is a candidate for restoration to operating condition,Engines like this that can once again ply the rails are “living” links to the past and a testament to those who built them and ran them in the Age of Steam.
Glad to know the date of the move out of the Fairgrounds. Since I live near by I will be there with camera.
Calling Southern California residents! Any information on when the locomotive will leave Pomona in the middle of the night?
Is it going west to Covina Metrolink and then east?
It would be nice if UP would publicize the move on a map as it did with 844, 3 or 4 years ago on it’s trip to Seattle, WA. The map was live on their website. I congratulate UP for doing more than their share at maintaining accurate America History
Can’t wait to see some video of 4014 being towed along the metro mainline to its temporary stop over at Covin.
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
I can’t wait to see this monster back on the rails. Cheyenne is the perfect place for the work to commence as this is where the other two UP locomotives live. I am from Chicago and I remember steam locos, As great as they were they were mere toys compared to this fabulous feat of engineering. Bravo UP!
When 4014 is under steam again I guess that a long distance road trip will be in order.