Has anyone purchased one of those upgrade kits that Williams electric trains offers to convert a dummy unit to a motorized one??? How difficult is it to install?? Any problems with it ??? Thanks Easter
I just bought the 027 FA A-A set at York. They did not have the upgrade kits there, so I have yet to acquire one. I did ask the Weaver folks about the upgrade. They said it is very easy and after examining the internals of my dummy and powered units, I tend to agree. The trucks are held to the frame with one screw from the bottom that when removed, separates the motor from the truck and thus the frame also.
What I was told is that you transfer the sideframes (two screws each) from the dummy trucks to the new powered trucks. Change the wiring to the trucks (wiring uses eye lugs to attach common and power to the trucks). Attach the circuit board with doublesided foam tape. Plug in the wires (all wires equipped with plugs) and you are ready to go.
Has anyone heard any rumors about Williams offering a power unit upgrade for their Golden Memories Alcos? My set just doesn’t have the get-up-and-go of my other, twin-motored Williams locos. I would power the dummy unit in a heartbeat if I could.
Roy , it sounds good. I might be able to pull it off. thankd Easter
Call them at 410-997-7766.
The web site does not show the power upgrade kits, but the 2005 Vol 2 catalog (actually a big foldout sheet) shows a dual motor power uprade kit for the 0-27 FA-1 “A” dummy at $84.95 (reg price $99.95).
I just called Williams and they said they do not have a power upgrade kit for these engines. They said they have one for the Alco PA’s. Too bad.