Does anyone know how difficult it would be to upgrade the coupers on a Lionel Dockside Switcher to electrocouplers? I’m thinking about getting one and doing a TMCC upgrade, but I don’t want to do it unless I can also do the coupler upgrade.
The best place to start is train america studios. Here is the link.
They should be able to help you.
I’ll check with TA again, but when I talked with them a few months ago about the TMCC upgrade they did not know what would be involved in a coupler upgrade.
Check out .They kinda specialize in the upgrades for ths smaller loco’s and rolling stock. I have a beep, with TMCC and sound, from them and it runs like a charm. [^]
ElectricRR, like TA has TMCC upgrades for small locos, but I don’t see anything on their site about upgrading to couplers. Since manual couplers to electrocouplers a mechanical upgrade as opposed to electronic, I don’t think it’s really where they specialize. Correct me if I’m wrong.