Video Step by Step: Build a plastic structure kit – part 2

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Video Step by Step: Build a plastic structure kit – part 2

Excellent job! Love the MR Video Plus!!!

Overall decent 2 part video. I was surprised that scotch tape was selected to fasten the curtain detail in over glue. Tape won’t last with most changes of environment/temperature experienced over time in most layout rooms.

I put in a maple hard-wood floor, which I had painted Floquil Rust, then satin clear. I used Woodland Scenics white tacky glue to mount the curtain halves to each side of each window. This restored the see-in feature. Furniture from Preiser and some figures helped. I also opened the “kitchen” door about 30 degrees, added a housewife inside, and a neighbor on the step. I still need to create kitchen cabinets, and a stove and fridge, which would indicate Much Work going on inside. .020" styrene will be used to make the inside walls flush with the Windows. Downloaded pictures from the 'Net will add some eye candy. I’m leaving the roof unattached so that I can continue the inner detailing, and look at it when it finally is called “Done.”

I have been using the same white glue you’re using for the windows to hold the window treatments for years and they have never come loose with changes in humidity or temperature.