Walthers search engine! What?

How does anyone find anything at Walthers? [banghead]Their search engine is the worst that I have ever experienced. Every time I want to look for something, I have to look through their entire catalog to get a number first. I absolutely hate it and I never go there unless I have no other alternative. When are they ever going to catch up with the rest of the world?[soapbox]

use the “Advanced Search” option in the left hand navigation pane, and you are able to narrow things down by category (Figures, Freight Cars, or Books/Video to name a few), Scale, Manufacturer, Keyword, or (partial?) part number. You can also choose to show only in stock items, discontinued items, etc.

The quick search is just that - a quick way to get at what you want. I assume that it is meant for resellers who know the exact part number they have to order (say a LHS owner who you ask to get part 932-10000*)

*Walthers Heavyweight 12-1 Sleeper, undec

Which search engine are you using, the “Quick Search” at the top of their home page, or the “Advanced Serach” (2nd link from top on the left)? I use their Advanced Search all the time, and I never have any problems with it…

Try more restrictive searches. The Walthers search engine actually produces 2 lists. First is the list which contains all of the words in the search. This list will be alphabetical by manufacturer. Then, there will be a second list, restarting alphabetically, with any of the words in the list.

This does very well if you’re looking for something specific, like the Arrowhead Ale structure, or if you know the manufacturer and put that into the search. It is terrible when you’re looking for “tank car,” because there are just too many items that match.

I use to get frustrated with that search, too, until I got accustomed to it. Instead, you might try www.discounttrainsonline.com, which has a large inventory and a more intuitive search.

I was using the quick search and although the advance search is a little better. I’m trying to find the N-scale Maintenance truck with the boom or crane attached and the advance search only comes up with one page of Atlas F150 pickups. I can’t remember the Manufacture but I did find it at Internettrains.com. Some places list it as “SCM-11SCM Maintenance of Way Truck” and I know I saw it in the Walthers Catalog. I lent my catalog to a friend otherwise I would look it up in the catalog as always.

Are any of these what you want?





What I did is use Advanced Search, selected Vehicles, N-scale, and typed in “MOW” in “Keywords” for the search. These models from “Railway Express Miniatures” turned up after the Atlas F-150’s.

Paul A. Cutler III

Weather Or No Go New Haven

Is this the one your looking for? http://walthers.com/exec/productinfo/654-11

I selected category “Vehicles”, “N scale”, “MOW Truck”, chose the radio button to “show all items regardless of availability”, and checked the box to “include discontinued items”.

I use the Advanced Search and it seems to bring me some much better results, as long as you are specific. Although I still agree with you, the Walther’s search engine is horrible.

This is exactly what I looking for. How did you find it?

I guess I’m the one that needs to catch up withe the rest of the world and wouldn’t you know it they are out of stock.[banghead]

Naw! Your right. Their search engine pretty much sucks eggs. Even the advance gives crappy results.

Yeah, well, they haven’t installed the “mind reader” software patch yet. [:)]

How exactly does the Walthers search engine “suck eggs”? What do you expect it to do? You can filter it by scale, by category, by manufacturer, by in stock items, by sale items and by discontinued items. You can search by item number and by keyword. What’s left for it to do?

If you want a bad search engine, try using this forum’s search.

Paul A. Cutler III

Weather Or No Go New Haven

I started a thread about this same problem 1-2 years ago. People responded in the same way you just did saying the Advance search worked fine. I replied-Oh yeah?? Try and find this…Try and find that…Try and find the other…See what pops up when you try to find item xxx.
All those people came back saying -WOW! I see what you mean!
It’s very quirky and doesn’t work right half the time.

I agree with you about the forum search engine though…

I agree with loathar, unless you know exactly what to put into those fields, its not going to come up with anything. I really hate to say this, but try searching for something that you don’t know much about at internettrains and then try the something at Walthers. If I were to remember the words “MOW Truck”, I probably would have got, but all I could remember was “Maintenance of Way Truck” which was from a description at another site.

This forum “search engine” frustrate me 10x more then the Walthers’…

While I am here, can you search this forums and get newest posts first?


If you want the newest threads to appear first, go to the top of the page and click on “Update Profile”. Look halfway down the page and find “Site Options”. Just below that you’ll find a drop down menu for “Sort Posts”. Drop down the menu and select “Ascending”. The newest threads will appear first when you log in.

Don Z.

Walthers has one of the worst sites ever!

It’s a useless as their stupid catalog!

And of course nothing on sale is ever in stock!


I did a Google.com search for Maintenance of way truck and here is the first page of results.


With those results you would know what to look for at Walther’s and most probably find better prices elsewhere

Knowing how to search the 'Net is the biggest issue for many people. I see this A Lot in different forums.


I’ve never had a problem with the Walthers Advanced Search.

You should never select too many fields, as it may not work. And if you don’t put the manufacturer in as Walthers had typed it (I.e. Bowser vs Bowser Trains) you won’t get anything.

On the left hand menu, you can select “Manufacturers” and get the exact name of that manufacturer.

You should also select “Discontinued and Out of Stock Items” for best results.


Thanks, Don, but I was thinking “newest threads on top” while searching the forum! [;)]