Ward Clever's Occupation Revealed!

Greeting Y’all,

Capt Carrales of the Garden Railways forum here. Being a Microferroquinologist(Large Scale) and denizen of Classic Television, I came across a contoversy! On the Classic Television show Leave it to Beaver, it has been widely debated as to what Ward Cleaver, the father of the show, did for a living.

I finally have an answer that seems made for those if us that enjoy Trains!!!

Last Christmas I was given some Railroad videos, one of them was titled… 225,000-Mile Proving Ground and was Narrated by Hugh Beaumont, the same actor who played Ward Cleaver!

The Beaver’s father then…must work for the American Association of Railroads!


This could all be blarney!!!

Later all,

Capt Carrales

So, Ward was the public relations man for the AAR? I hope that Eddie Haskell didn’t try to derail any of those newfangled diesels with Jume Clever’s pearls!


…it was definately an office job.

And he definately wasn’t a railroader, he was always home for dinner. [:)]

Oh, but it’s still a good hypothesis!

Do you know what Hugh Beaumont REALLY did for a living outside of his acting career? Church minister…

That explains a lot.

In the show he was an accountant. He worked for the character played by Richard Deacon who you may recall was on the *** Van *** show. BTW, did you see the episode of Leave It to Beaver where Beaver and Wally rode behind an SP daylight GS-4? They were riding w/o tickets and the conductor allowed them to stay on the train.


Beaver and Wally also rode a Santa Fe, w/o a ticket, however a girl across the seats from them gave them money if they would give her there hat

Fred Rutherford WAS NOT Wards boss. He was simply a meddeling co-worker

Yeah, it does, doesn’t it?

You can see it in his “thoughtful demeanor”

Who always liked to boast about “My boy Clarence . . . . .” who was always in
almost as much trouble as Eddie Haskell!

and I always thought he worked for Playboy. thas why he was sosecretive about his job

Did you see the episode where Beaver had “outgrown” his Lionel trains and was going to give them away. After retrieving them from storage, Beaver started running them and decided that he would like to keep them. While Beaver went to get more trains from Whitey’s house, the pretty sister of the boy Ward had promised the trains to showed up to collect. Wally was overwhelmed and gave her the trains.


Did you know that the actor that played Varsity basketball team hot shot “the Duke” grew up to become drag racing’s “TV Tommy Ivo” ?

Don’t look now, HERE’S Chessie…

Our favorite garden RR guy…LOL…with another, new, name…


Do you really think Eddie Haskell is responsible for the fall of the railroads? or maybe even Amtrak?

Capt Carrales

Are you sure he was an accountant? I have several friends who passionately maintain that we sold insurance. Richard Deacon may have been his coworker, Fred.

The episode you mention is one of my favorites. I have make this same post in the Classic Trains forum and it was pointed out that the conductor was wearing a Wabash uniform?! Very Curious…eh?

Capt Carrales