Weathering a turntable

Michael, bear with us. We’re getting there. Go back to your first close weathered photo, and see how you have cracks joining cracks, many at near right-angles. The latest set of cracks are too parallel and long. They need some of those intermediate and divergent cracks. You had the right idea in the first work, but didn’t seem to carry on the same way just now.

It is coming along very nicely. I would try even more lightening in the darkest spots.

You will be very proud to show this in images before long. [8D]


Dang I guess I got carried away with the cracks. But now I can’t fix them, because they are scored with a hobby knife.

I’m working on the bridge tower right now, when I get it installed soon.

Finished the tower.

Will this photo now qualify for WPF?

Michael, you haven’t done any harm! Just add the nearly right-angled cracks here and there, off the long ones you just added. Only a few and you’re done. It looks great, truly. Nice loco, too.
