Weathering/painting the windows on Walthers Gold Ribbon Series

I purchased the Walthers Gold Ribbon ‘Daily Examiner’ building recently, and when I opened it to study the parts - I saw that the windows and window frames were glued together (if this is a trait of all Gold Ribbon Series buildings, well, I did not know that). Crud! Anyway, the window frames look too shiny and plastic like (as almost all plastic window frames and wont to do), and while usually I would just repaint and weather the windows, I don’t feel like masking a few dozen window panes (and I can’t see how to separate window frame and clear window plastic without damaging either).[V].
Well, I reread Vic Roseman’s Weathering Gold Ribbon structures series in the 2004 Walther Catalog, and he just kinda danced around the window/door parts (and to tell the truth, some of the windows in the models he did do look plastic and shiny in the article pictures).
Right now, I’d settle for just removing the shine and aging the frames a bit without mucking up the clear window panes

There are liquid maskers that would be easier to apply than a bunch of tape, but pretty much your options are to mask the glass, paint by hand and hope you don’t glob on a window, remove the glass, or just live with the cheap plastic look.

Me, I normally chuck out the thick plastic “glass” in any kit and use acetate instead.

I know this thread is really old, but I’m curious what ever came about of your windows? I’m starting to build the same structure and am puzzled with the windows and the fact that they are already stuck to glass. My plan was to aibrush everything, but masking all those windows…wow. What did you end up doing in the end? Is it possible to remove the glass from the frame?


Help me understand something. The windows are already glued to the unpainted window frames? Are these frames already mounted in or part of the wall?? (like a DPM kit?)

No they are not mounted into the wall. The glass is somehow glued to the back of the frame. I could paint by hand, but I would rather not. It’s confusing because if I want to weather the windows or basically any part of the building I would put on a clear coat. It just seems easier to airbrush, but obviously in this case the prep seems a little crazy.

Wow, I forgot all about this thread.
Yep loathar, the frames are ‘glued’ to the window glass in these kits (or at least were back then). Frames were Not glued to the walls in the kit, but honestly having done a few DPM kits (walls & window frames come molded together) that would have been much less of a problem than flat windows & shiny glass.
Anyway, I’m no help Centurion, I sold one kit off years ago, and the other resides in ‘permanent’ storage - not sure what I’ll do with it.