Weathering track


How do you get that bleach loooking railroad ties? Also, What color paint

would you use to paint the rails ? I was going to use roof brown to do the

mainline, and rust for the sidings.



For the bleached looking ties I use a thinned wash of blackish-gray. This gives the appearance that the ties have been there a while but are still good. Also, not all ties are created equal. Make some lighter in color than others. For the rails I use Rust-Oleum Rusty Metal Primer. I mask off the ties and spray a thin coat on the rails. A good buffing with a piece of cork roadbed or a piece of cork for bulletin boards (available in the Wal-Mart stationary section) will take the paint off the railheads. Get it off the inside top edge of the rail also.

I use Rustoleum flat brown spray and Krylon Camouflage earth brown spray. I paint the ties and rails the same color after the tracks laid. Then ballast and weather with chalks and powders. (if you can deal with the fumes) It’s a lot cheaper then using bottles of Floquil or Polly Scale. One $4 can will do a descent sized layout and it’s oil based so it’s pretty tough. Whatever you choose, be careful painting around your turnouts.[2c]

Hey, Chris…

Try painting the ties with Floquil Grime with a little Primer mixed in (I like to paint with an airbrush). The Grime is a real light color to give the bleached look and mixing in some Primer improves the coverage. I like to use Roof Brown with a little Rust mixed in on the rails…not too orange, just a nice rich brown color.

Hope this is helpful

Bruce J.

Also, see the comment posted by tstage regarding last years MR article, How to Build Realistic Layouts.


Using the method with tempura paints described in that MR article by Joe, can result in something like this.

Have fun.
