Thats exactly where I started from 5 years ago Steven, infact, I still have it sitting on my shelf amongst my later builds. I hope you enjoy your modelling journey as much as I have. Never be afraid to try something new, the worst that can happen is that you have to try again !!!
Most important of all do what makes YOU happy, its your free time, your money and your hobby.
Many thanks my friend as always for your continued support and encouragement, although sometimes I feel undeserved. I really appreciate your comments and kind words.
An earlier shot in the construction, before steamlines, weathering, final placement…etc, but allowing a diferent view, now obscured.
Cahrn Good looking SP you have there. You don’t have to have finished layout to post pictures here either. Your picture looked fine and I like where you took the photo as well, more than one thing to look at. Be-sure to post some more pictures.
Crandell I will take credit for the angle I took the picture from, but not the lighting! [:-^] That’s just the way it came out. With the kind words that shot has gotten it has me in the mood to ballast the rails behind the SD 7.
Far as your Y6 b photo, well you all ready know I am a fan of yours.
Karl When I look at your work all I can do is shake my head and wonder. I wonder HOW THE HECK CAN YOU SEE TO DO ALL THAT SMALL DETAIL WORK? [:D] Heck, I broke off half on my first PK 2 E 6 lift rings before I knew they where there?
Did some more work on the station. Added a curb, door on the office & test fitting pumps. I still have along way to go & I want to change some of the signage, add main tall Skelly sign.
Hello everyone. I found a box of N-scale stuff in my closet from 10 years ago and set them up in my room. I forgot how much you can do with N-scale with little room. Here is a pic of the set up. If anyone wants to know the engines are a Life-Like Frisco E8, Bachmann BN GP50, and a bachmann SF F9 hard to believe they run really well after 10 years of sitting in a box!
Due to a few kind words here at WPF and the Dinner I got of my butt today and worked on the bench today. I really like this photo, but the lack of ballast on the rear spur bugged me.
So today I did some ballasting. The same spur from a few different angles.
In the last picture is does not look as good as it does in person. When it is dry I will use some chalk to weather it some.
Then on to part of the main line. I did learn a lot on this part. First lesson was less ballast works better! Much easier to keep the ballast of the ties. Second lesson was put a little white glue on the sides of the roadbed. Still not great, but this is the first main line section I have done. Oh, third lesson, if you are going to use a plastic bag to pour the ballast from, make sure it does not have any holes in it! [:-^]
I do have a few spots to touch, then some weathering. Good shot of some Santa Fe F 9 freight engines as well.
Hope to see some more pictures before WPF gets shut down!
This past week we had a visiting coal hopper come into town from out East.
turned out that the Illinois miners were none too pleased to see PA coal being delivered on their patch and before anyone knew it the hopper had been taken from its spot at the tower and hidden.
after a long time underground the day shift came off work and determined to get rid of the offending visitor.
As night fell the car was pulled from its hiding place
and quickly switched out onto the main where it was attached to the rear of a passing East bound freight, that had conveniently stopped following a prearranged signal.
before the car left for points east it was given a friendly parting gift.
Excellent, Jon…truly first class. I really enjoyed your attention to detail with the pull-blinds and air-conditioners, and the brick weathering is really very good. The only thing that I would have mentioned if you had asked for feedback would have been the bumper post. It is very new, or newly painted. But it is very close and easily spotted. The tuft grass is nicely arranged, very random and natural, and you got the roadway done really well.
I especially like the trestle and rails atop it. You captured such a setting exceptionally well. [tup][:)]
I have been busy working on some other projects so not been doing to much on the layout. I was able to start on my Tum-A-Lum Lumber dealer. This will be a small rail served customer that will recieve loaded boxcars of lumber.
Good job with an AMM product. You are a very good modeler. I look forward to see the final results of your work motorizing this unit with the Athearn U28B. This is real model railroading craftmanship.