What do you do outside this hobby?

Just curious when were not modeling are dreams what are we doing? Where to you work and what other hobbies do you have? Or maybe Model Railroading is your life. :slight_smile: Just a question I thought asking.

Model railroading is one of the smaller aspects of my life. I enjoy spending time with the family, doing things like camping, fishing, hiking and off roading. During the winter, model railroading becomes a more signifigant part of my life. It gets kinda cold around here to do a lot of outdoor type stuff in the winter.


I am in construction. For the last 5 years I have been in construction management but my love is finish carpentry. My problem is that I live in the Los Angeles area but work on the big island of Hawaii. My wife and son are still in L. A. My dream is to move back to Montana (where I went to college) and start my own finish Carpentry company, doing real craftman style work not production like in California. good thing is I’m only 30 years old and have a lot of experience but have never owned my own business and these days aren’t the best of times for constuction.

Other than that I am a big lover of Off-road racing. I love SCORE and CORR. One day I plan on building a truck like this:

I took this photo at the 2005 Baja 1000 in Mexico.

This is a picture of myself with THE Ivan “The Iron man” Stewart

I’m an ICU nurse by trade, working only weekend nights (Fri/Sat/Sun). Outside of work and model railroading, I spend time with my wife and 3 kids, play my XBox, participate in what is called High-Power rocketry (way cooler than model rocketry), read books, build/rebuild/work on computers, play MechWarrior and Battletech, and love anything Halo.

My job, when they have work that I can do, is building wood furniture for civilian contracts and making training aids for the army. My hobbies are model railroading and building/repairing and programming computers. I used to build hot rods but had to give that up due to my health. I still drive my last one.

Zgardner: Ha cool, I bet people there wouldn’t guess you other hobby :stuck_out_tongue:


I spend my days in jail…no, really, I do. I maintain the computerized telephone switch that processes all of the inmate phone calls from the county jail. I have to repair the phones when the inmates decide to go on a rampage because they found out their wife is going to divorce them or other such nonsense. I also get to go to court to testify for the DA’s office regarding the phone calls…it’s amazing how dumb the inmates are when talking on the phones…admitting to their people on the outside what they did, even though they are warned they’re being recorded.

I also enjoy woodworking, traveling around the country with the family in our 5th wheel RV and of course, railfanning!

Don Z.

Besides model railroading I read alot, occasionally watch TV and movies, listen to music ( big bands, classic jazz, oldies from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s) and take advantage of the pleasant climate and landscape of the San Francisco Bay Area by walking and doing outdoor activities.

Yeah, I would put Model Railroading my first love. Growing up in San Diego I am a big lover of Surfing as well. I enjoys all types of sports but ice hockey is my favorite to play. I almost made pro baseball but a problem with a shoulder called a torn rotatercuff cut me off. Snowboarding is up there as one of my favorites but my new favorite is being a daddy and teaching Jared about sports and trains. Next month Jared will have a brother and one day the three of us will build a great layout. Jared loves trains too. I enjoy taking him up to the Cajon Pass for some railfanning.

Hockey! Best sport ever, love to watch it wanted to play but never had any teams near me to join :frowning: So I’m stuck watching hockey Favorite team is the Penguins. Being from Pennsylvania…

My job as a fire chief requires tremendous commitment and flexibility. Fortunately, I love my job! The odd ball hours and emergency calls go well with a hobby like this. I can drop my tools and respond on calls, then come back to where I left off.

It helps to have a loving and understanding wife! [:)] We have no children, only a spoiled dog, so we both have plenty of time together and apart. She has her hummingbirds and I have my trains. Cody Dog has his toy box and a pillow by the sliding glass door. In all, our household is peaceful and full of happiness. I am truly blessed!

I love the dog very cute :slight_smile: I have a basset hound myself but always loved dachshunds.

Dachshunds are incredibly smart little dogs. Cody Dog is pretty sharp at figuring out how to get his way. Whether it’s treats or games, he’s got our weak spots figured out!

Well Conrail, I am a professor of computer science and networking. I am also a part time (licensed master) electrician and computer tech. (it was the other way around until the college made me a good offer including health benefits).

Education is electrical engineering with a minor in criminal justice

Hobbies: Volunteer Firefighter (Chief officer for 11 years, just a grunt now - less paperwork), hiking, rapelling, spelunking, off roading, local history (was commissioned for a book by a major publisher), woodworking, audio, computer gaming. I gave up street racing when I bought the house 16 years ago. I miss that hobby.

A little of each, a good amount of railroading.

I don’t watch much TV [:D]

You should get a very interesting cross section of responses here.


We have two doxies ourselves. They are a lot of fun. Talk about free entertainment. It is hard not to spoil them (don’t get me started on the treats). The black and tan is Franklin Wilhelm and the red dapple is Polly.

Ha wish I could say the same about my Basset, She’s lazy and sleeps 75% of her life, and other 25% eats :stuck_out_tongue: But we love her.
And shes funny in her odd way. Amazing she did this by herself :stuck_out_tongue:

Oooooh, I am sooo there!

My personality is one where I am essentially obsessive/compulsive about anything that appeals to me. At first it was Astronomy, then Karate, then my wife, then long distance and competitive running (I know…yawn!), then Astonomy as an adult, then grad school, then my work as a military psychologist, and now it is model trains and steam engine history. It has always been full bore all the way.

So, I do have a life, but it comes in stages. Very intense stages. [8D]


Mow grass! And enjoy drag racing.

That’s just the front yard.

There’s a drag strip just the other side of those trees in the distance.

That’s alot of yard.