I Have seen this word used in connection with US model railroading.
For example, could this be your pike? Is it the layout or a part of the trackwork that is being named?
In my dictionary there are many explanations but none concerning railroads.
(In Norwegian Pike means Girl in case anyone is interested). [:)]
Thank you,
Last I had heard, a Pike was some sort of fish.[:D]
Seriously, I believe it is a sort of slang, taken from the word turnpike.
The term, as applied to model railroading, means quite literally “road”, i.e. referring to your “railroad”. The term is meant to encompass the entire layout, not just the trackwork.
The term “pike” was in much more common usage in model railroading between the 1930’s and 1960’s than it is today, where the term “layout” has almost totally replaced it in the hobby press.
And many of us have a ‘Rail Pass’ for our Pike (Railroad)
-In Norwegian Pike means Girl in case anyone is interested).
well William, i hope your “pike” will give you lots of pleasure then!
Thanks CNJ831, I thought it might be an old term from the 1960’s but was not sure.
That’s a nice rail pass Roger.
I knew it was a fish, caught a few in my time.
Hi,dothinker, I married the one and together with the other they still give me great pleasure and are lots of fun. In fact the “pike” I married even bought me a locomotive to run on my “pike” sounds fishy that.
In US model railroading it means your layout or your railroad. [2c] Tim