what is your favorite train movie???????

like ive said before the one i got for christmas csx evansville to chigago.

Once Upon a Time in the West with charles bronson and henry fonda…had a good deal of steam in it…also John Wayne’s; The Tycoon where he crashed the locomotive into the raging river to test the bridge… and last but not least…most of all…(now…don’t laugh)…i enjoy all the Thomas the Tank Engine movies and series also…chuck

I think john wayne made the first drive through

like macdonalds

There is also one about some hobos with Ernest Borgnine(sp?) as the freight conductor. I saw this years ago so I do not remember the name or the rail line. I do remember high ball steam, wooden cars and a cupola caboose. Polar Express is good for animation. The PM 1225 sounds real good!

The Station Agent

The latest Zorro movie has a lengthy train sequence in it, including a wreck scene that I think most people on this forum could have modeled better.

It also featured Catherine Zeta Jones, but I digress…

The 1903, The Great Train Robbery. It was the First full length movie ever made.

How about the scene in “Breakheart Pass” that involves the runaway troop boxcars and caboose. Also a HO model railroad company should make bunk cars similar to the boxcars in this movie. I know that Walthers and IHC make bunk cars in HO, but they don’t resemble the boxcars in this movie. A HO wood or steel boxcar with end doors and and 4 windows per side (2 on each side of the main door) would resemble them.

What year was that made? The only Silver Streak I am familiar with is the the one with Gene Wilder & Richard Prior. The train in that one is CP.

once upon a time in the west was all about trains. it even featured some toy trains.

breakheart pass with the slow motion trainwreck.

hidalgo has some good closeups of trainstuff.

My favorite would have to be Atomic Train.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]