When was MARC launched?

MARC runs trains between Perryville, MD and DC, Camden Yards in Balt. and DC, and Martinsburg, WV and DC IIRC.

When was it launched and what was the story behind its launching?



It was officially called MARC in 1984.

Well you can do a google to see when it was established I am sure. Since it operates is a very h density area it was created to take people off the roads & instead put them on the rails. [:o)]

MARC/Maryland DOT operations did not start from scratch. They took over existing B&O operations between Baltimore, Washington and Martinsburg and PRR/PC/CR operations between Perryville, Baltimore and Washington.

Following up on this, did they ever have weekend service? The ‘Brunswick’ and ‘Penn’ lines can be ridden with Amtrak, but I have never ridden the ‘Camden’ line due to lack of weekend trains.