where can I get HOn3 MDC(or else) kits


I am new to this forum and want to build a HOn3 trains and layout. The problem is that in Europe this cannot be ordered easily. In the past I bought MDC roundhouse kits form a local distributor which seased to exist, Does anyone know about a distributor which has a good product list of HOn3 products, and sends this to Europe?

kind regards, ***.

A few weeks ago I bought a HOn3 2-8-0 from Caboose Hobbies of Denver.Try typing Caboose Hobbies into a search engine to find their website,they might be the biggest HOn3 supplier in the USA.

Thanks for the reply.

As I understand it, it is difficuly to get HOn3 in the USA, let alone in the Netherlands! I own a 3-truck Shay and an outside frame 2-6-0 from MDC. I like the details and that it comes as a kit. Yesterday I tried to get hold of the MDC catalog but haven’t succeeded in getting one. It is a bit of a strange brand, some sell stuff which isn’t mentioned on their website…I visited the Caboose Hobbies site after reading your reply and they sure have a lot. About the prices I was less enthousiastic though…specfically MIM(it was under MDC…!). Do you know of any other brand hich sells kits like MDC does?

***,you will get more replies if you post this on one of the Model Railroader forums.To get there go to the top of the page and click “Forum Index” and go to the Model Railroader general forum.A year ago a company called Horizon took over MDC and Athearn.So we aren’t sure what MDC kits will be produced in the future.Grandt Line might make a small diesel kit in HOn3.I agree those MIM’s look nice but are expensive. cordially, Joe Goebel

Ok, thanks I’ll try that one. There are such a lot of different forums here that I didn’t really knew which one to choose. This looked like a good one at the time. Possibly I’ll get to recognize the good ones when visited more often.

Hi ***,
There are a few distributors here in the U.S. that have HOn3 locomotives and rolling stock. A few companies included are Precision Scale and Mountain Model Imports.
There is a company named MDC (Model Die Casting) based in Nevada, USA which produced this scale several years ago and then discontinued after popularity declined.
You might try - www.bnfhobby.com and/or www.trainandtrooper.com. As both companies deal in narrow gauge - especially hard to find items. I have to say that I personally enjoy narrow gauge more that standard gauge and I think it brings more realism to any layout regardless. If you have any future questions or need any assistance I would be glad to help you in any way I can. Good Luck and happy railroading !![:)]
My email is tombo1870@yahoo.com

here are two websites that may have locomotives in this scale for sale and they are - b

Another site is www.i-sng.com based in Arizona, USA

Hi Tom(I guess…),

Thanks for the info. It took a while to answer… I will take a look at the websites.

Today I visited a local exhibition of model trains. Most of it was is German railways oriented, as always. But this just isn’t it for me. I talked to someone who imports US trains, and he told me about the take over of MDC by Athearn, which was taken over by Horizon again… The old story, I suppose. Prices up, quality of material and support down. Perhaps I should investigate the other brands for HOn3… but the prices I see in the NGSL gazette don’t make me to happy…

Hi ***,
You can still enjoy the hobby without spending alot of money but remember there is a big difference from European modeling vs American Modeling and there are many other scales of model trains to consider but whatever your interests are I wish you the best of luck. I also wanted to mention that Horizon Hobbies had no decision making ability or interest in the acquisition of MDC/Roundhouse corporation. They are owned outright by Athearn trains & Athearn has a very good reputation in the small scale market. [tup]
Let me know how you make out and I would like to help anyway I can.
Best wishes & contined success!!

Hi Dick,

I’m new in this forum, was searching for buyers for HOn3: yes, I’m selling.

I see this is a very old post, so are you still searching? I don’t own a shop, I’m a private seller, live in the Netherlands. I have HOn3 Shays, 4-4-0, Loggingcars, Rails, Buildings, Dioramas and a lot of Parts. Interested?

I can send a list and foto’s.

kind regards