Where is Trains newswire

Can someone help me find the Trains Newswire in the new site format. There was a one item newswire for a day or two and now I don’t see it all?? It was the best feature and kept me looking at the Newswire each day.

Other than an occasional question I have on model railroading in the forum, this site is now irrelevant for me. I prefer to read the hard copies of Trains, MR and Classic Trains rather than this online version. Maybe Newswire is just on vacation.

The newswire is now for subscribers only, I’m afraid - Do you subscribe or buy off a newsstand?

I understand that Trains wants to reward subscribers but I wiil miss newswire, I read it daily. I am like a lot of people, I buy off the newstand. Some issues have little of interest so I don’t buy on those months. Also, when I did have a subscription it always arrived late and thanks to the US Postal Service and Canada Post it was usually badly mangled.