Where to get scenery materials?

Been trying to find some prebuilt trees and other scenery items like people for my layout, but can’t seem to find any low-cost items… if I’m spending a bunch of money on trees, I’ll build 'em myself! Problem is I don’t have the time right now! :frowning:


Brent, welcome to the costly world of Toy Trains. If you look to the regular Hobby Retailers for your scenery items, it will cost a good bit. Many items can be had for less, but you have to experiment. Some items can be had at sales in craft stores like Michael’s or Hobby Lobby. Other times, you can find things in your travels at such stores as Tuesday Morning (where I scored a bunch of firetrucks, buses, and other trucks by Corgi, Ertle). Thing is, you have to keep your eyes open. As to people, some places to look are web sites like Trainz, Artista, Walthers.


Remember that Hobby Lobby occaisionally has 40% off coupons which brings the price of scenery down to just under the best mail order prices…and some carry alot of scenery stuff. You have to watch the internet for the weekly coupon, I actually have them send me an email every week.

I will have to agree with Dennis. Craft stores, “$” stores and my “favorite” store (which is, you should pardon the expression, the local dumpster pad, especially around this time of the year when parents often convince their children to get rid of old toys before Santa comes). Lots of ‘goodies’ if you just use your imagination. Good luck.

You should be able to score some good bargains at the local
craft stores right now because it is actually the end of the
Christmas-craft season for them. If you look, you will see they
are already stocking Valentine’s Day and Spring craft items on
the shelves. (Remember, people have to construct the crafts
ahead of time for the particular season/holiday.) If you want
to build your own trees, the raw materials are way cheaper
than pre-assembled items. Also check the store thoroughly as
similar items can be found in several locations in the same
store and they are sometimes priced differently. Just a thought.

I really like hobby lobby, they have a good selection of Woodland Scenics at a price I can easily afford, if I didn’t have my job.

www.scenicexpress.com has a great assortment of trees, people and scenery materials. They have great customer service and with any order you get a really nice printed catalog which gives even more detail than their web site.

try this thread for inexpensive tree building:

Jims Furnace Filter Conifers

Thanks for the link! I printed it today so I can start building next week during the christmas break in my Master Degree course!

I stopped by WallyWorld last night and picked up 2 packages of 9 various sized trees. Set them around the village and then remembered that the village came with 4 other trees, so located them and set them up as well… now have 22 trees around the village!

Picked up a set of K-Line passenger station employees and they are now ‘hangin out’ at the station.

Also found the box o’ trucks 'n cars and set a few of them a’r’n town…

Took a couple more pics and left the flash card at home! So all y’all will haffen to wait till I get home tonight to post the pics.

Still no sign of the CW-80, Trainmaster Command Set or X-Mas Tree Lot… so it seems there will be more pics coming later in the week and possibly next week as well.

I’ll also post instructions, drawings, part list, and cut list for the command center.