Where's Train Master Marty Cozad??? Post those pictures

I know everyone maybe into a little different era’s of trains. I’m into the more modern stuff. I even started dabbling in O scale to get a wider variety of equipment. I struggle to put together kits! Then I see some picture posts from the master and cohorts (yeah humbly I’ll call him that, though I’ve never met him), Marty. You may have seen his water tender in GR. Makes me want to stay in G scale.

I wanted some autocarriers, and some double trailer carriers to be made by some manufacturer someday. Then he posts his equipment. Man, you gotta see the stuff. I hope he’ll post them here, so I ask for them. Then, Maybe you’ll agree, Nice Work!!! Joe

I have no idea where the train master is,

but as for me , I’ve been busy building a 6,000 sq ft house for a friend. The RR is a weed pit and mess because I have to make $$ when I can.

I’m dead tired after 10 hour days in the heat.

This winter I will try to post how to stuff of basic cars etc. that I am doing just for you.

A Master is someone who can hide his mistakes. He does make them.

Practice and most of all NOT worrying about what others think.

There is always someone bigger and better.


I will be in and out at the GRYS booth at the MWLSTS (see Aristo forum for info)

Come by and say HI.

Burl Rices articals are great for high level of detail in GRYs mags. I want to try his methods this winter.

Marty…how did the retaing wall using the faux stack stone over blocks ever turn out?



sorry, not sure what you asking?

BTY I did try to reload the steam video on youtube.

go to youtube and search NTCGRR.

its the newest one.

A while back I think you were installing a retaining wall of sorts built from cement block, then you were facing them with faux stone, much like some would use on a foundation or chimmeny…they are 3 dimensional on the front and flat on rear…they are attached to block using mortar?..I think I remember there was even someone arguing with you about the “Scale” of the fake rocks…it’s been a while?


Train Master uh… [:-^]

Made me giggle abit…Toad

Found it…I was a little off in my remembering what you had done…I was thinking of using this type of stone to face a retaining wall…cale

Link to Photo

You know, my dog runs after,toads…

Cale, that was a long time ago, they are holding up very good.

I just don’t run the highline much (phase 5) I guess is what it is listed under on MLS.

I think you can buy those boxes for around $45 per box.

I did get a job out of it and did a duplex lower 3ft for a guy. It turned out pretty good for the first “real” try.