Wiring for Digitrax Super Chief, PM42 and BDL168?

I have started planning the track wiring for my layout. I have a Digitrax Super Chief system and will be using a PM42 for power management and a BDL168 for block detection. I have been reading through all the Digitrax manuals plus about a zillion blogs and message boards and think I have my overall track wiring strategy mapped out. I have posted a high-level diagram below–can y’all do a quick review and let me know if I have got this right? Thanks!

I have only shown the details for the four blocks wired from zone 1 of the BDL168; the other three zones would use similar connections to 12 additional blocks. Also note that my turnouts at the ends of passing sidings are wired as independent blocks since I want to eventually have a prototypical CTC installation. By doing this, the turnout blocks will serve as interlockings or control points within the signal system. Thanks for taking a look! Jamie

Yes, this is correct. I assume you will have another red line from SD2 to the common side of detection zone 2, and so on.

You do not need to gap the red rail side in the detection blocks. Also, if you need more than 4 detection sections in a given sub-district, you can wire the PM42 output to more than 1 BDL-168 input. You may then require more than one BDL-168.


A couple of notes:

  1. Make sure to also wire the booster ground to the PM42 and BDL168.

  2. You probably already realize this, but you each Detection Zone (DZ) doesn’t need to have an exclusive Power Subdistrict (SD) feeding it.

  3. Make sure you read through the manuals on wiring these thoroughly & you may want to buy some additional 44 pin connectors. I am wiring a similar set-up right now and have already miswired five 44 pin connectors.

Good Luck, Greg

Hi Jamie,

I just stumbled on this old 2009 post, as I’m planning to do something very similar with the same equipment…without delving into too much detail, were you generally happy with how it performed?

Thanks, Glenn

You should get these: http://www.lwh3.com/products.htm

Those are cool.

Though I’m hoping by the time I ever need to wire up a block detection system, something easier than the Digitrax 44 pin boards will come out :slight_smile:

Those ARE the easier solution. You just plug the board in and the breakout board has screw terminals to attach the actual wires to. No soldering to the 44 pin connector.
