Workbench & Shops PICS

Hey Everyone:

Was wondering if there is a thread on here with people’s pics of their workshops/workbenches. I am a huge fan of WPF and I equally love to see pics of other people’s work areas. The place where the magic starts.

I’ll also be sure to post mine too.



Well here’s mine. Not much magic has happened yet but "IT WILL".

This is another part of my work area located just out the door of the first one. It is used when frustration takes over at the previous work area.[(-D]

And this is where the big stuff was born.


I’d love to show you my workbench. If I could find it.


Nothing wrong with that Chris. I’ve gotten my best ideas by stairing into an unorganized pile on my workbench… call it inspirational.

Here’s what mine looks like.


Here is the small formal work area with the trestle being constructed:

Because the train room is in the dining room, I also have teh dining table as a work area. Here it is holding half of the sections for Kimm’s Kanyon.

Here the table is building a forest

Thursday we will rebuild the best model of all on the main work area;

I stitched a few shots together for a “panoramic” view. It started out as a 6x 6 area 20 years ago, it is now 12x18. From the left: entry to train room, office and computer area, main workbench, decalling area, drying oven (w/PA) & paint booth .

Art… you must have been employed by NASA…that 2" PVC pipe underneath the table there is a brilliant idea! You can stand up to “pee” and never have to leave the workbench. [tup]

Come on guys. The PVC pipe holds the Dremel tool, but your idea is “better?”

And the award for the most perfect setting for Thanksgiving/Christmas dinners goes to…ART HILL!!! YEAAAAAAA.

My wife saw this over my shoulder and I suggested I put one in (with all that coffee I drink and all). She said good idea but you will need a bigger pipe. I said “why thank you baby” (now sitting up straight with my chest out). She said “Ya with your lousy aim you would never hit that thing”. [sigh] I think I’ll go run a train now.


Ok guys, how do I upload pics? I am going to put my shop pics up but cant see where I attach pics.

Pathentic I know :slight_smile:

Pathentic I know,

  1. Take pics with digital camera

  2. Put pics on your computer in a place easy to find

  3. Open account with a picture server. I use Photobucket. Free but it takes some doing but works well when done

  4. Upload pics from computer to Photobucket. Their directions are fairly clear

  5. Open a thread in the forum or respond to an existing thread

  6. Copy pic from photobucket to text of thread with copy/paste commands. Be sure to use the bottom (fourth) button under the pic.

That’s it. It takes some practice but not too bad once you convince yourself you can do it. There is a preview button so you can see what you did

Here is attempt #1 of my workbench.

And here is #2

My workbench is in the closet of my train room.

That trestle is beautiful! Nice work!

Looks great! Nice, clean and well organized. A lot more than I can say for some other posters here [:-,]

Great pictures! LOL