WPF Feb 10-12

Bear, what are the tanks, what does the car haul and what are the holes in the side of the gon for?


D&H #22065 also in the [xx(] color schema of the “G”; nope, still can’t say it [:#]

They didn’t sound too Grand either…[:-^]

My two sons and I wrestled it down the back steps to the cellar. With the harp intact it weighed in around 800lbs. The harp got hauled away by the trash company. It still is a heavyweight but is on wheels so I can roll it out when necessary. Makes a great workbench!


Sacrificed a Fine N Scale 36’ boxcar to be the yard maintenance shed on the “Alameda-Belt-in-a-Box” layout:

Lots of great work this week!
Thanks for sharing, all.

Nice work, all. Here’s a shot with a switch engine I’ve been wasting some time on.

Aren’t weekends just the greatest?


Gidday Jarrell,

In the January 1995 Model Railroader there is an article on kitbashing a Lehigh Valley cement gondola, had a 2nd hand “donor” Athearn BB, so decided to give it a crack.

The cylindrical containers were developed in the 1930s for handling cement , could be loaded and unloaded using compressed air and could hold 10 tons of cement each, and could be taken off the gondolas at the job site. By the mid 50s they where getting phased out by covered hoppers and where gone apparently by 1964.

The holes were gas axed on the prototypical gons to allow easier connection of the compressed air and cement hoses to the containers.

I posted a question regarding dates of use on the Prototypical Information last night and the replies have been most useful.

With some covered hoppers and some Tichy converted box cars I think it should make an interesting consist.

Cheers, The Bear.

Thank you Bear for the reply. It should make a very interesting car indeed!


Rebuilt two old MDC/Roundhouse 40’ OSB boxcars in a more prototypical way.

The first one is done according to a Rock Island prototype with a scratchbuilt radial Murphy roof.

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/Boxcars071b.jpg)

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/Boxcars068b.jpg)

The second one is an ATSF BX-12 with raised roof.

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/Boxcars084b.jpg)

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/Boxcars082b.jpg)

And the newly rebuilt Lairet Sub on the club layout.

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/IMG_4966b.jpg)

!(http://i603.photobucket.com/albums/tt111/sailormatlac/Hedley Junction/IMG_4964b.jpg)
