XTrkCad and Walthers-Shinohara Code 83 DCC Friendly Turnouts

For those of you using XTrkCad and looking for the Walthers-Shinohara code 83 TOs, they are not in the current XTrkCad version, 3.1.4. Only the #8 standard and curved TO are in the parameter library.

Solution: The new Walthers HO 2006 model railroaders reference book, pages 296-300, has all of these TOs defined; Total length, Points-to-frog length and Frog angle. Using the TO designer in XTrtCad, one is able to create the “missing” TOs in XTrkCad.

Page 300 of the new catalogue even has a scale template of all the TOs.

Hi, Tom:

This is good news, as I’m using XtrkCad to design a layout and would like to use the Shinohara Code #83 turnouts.

Off to the LHS I go…

– Dave

Does anyone know where I could find an XTrkCad parameter file for the Walthers/Shinohara Code 83 turnouts?; I can probably create them as custom turnouts using the catalog data as Tom Bryant suggested, but surely somebody else has done this by now–it would be a lot easier just to load the file. Thanks in advance.

What about XtrkCad 4.1 ?


I don’t use XTrkCad; I use Empire Express on a Mac. However, based on measurements of the actual turnouts, I have made grapics of them that I can send you in PDF format that you might possibly use as the basis for a custom turnout in XtrkCad. They are centerline, single line graphics.


This would be really useful–can you send them or post them? Thanks.

Finally uploaded to Photobucket, so here it is. The headblock ties as manufactured extend on the diverging side of the turnout; however, I also edited units to extend headblock ties to the other side for those applications where I will not have enough room on the diverging side and will have to modify. The short dashes on each side beyond the headblock ties are planning guides to indicate the closest possible centerline of an adjacent track.



Thanks for taking the time to do this–it should help a lot.

You are very welcome! Let me know if any problems or questions. I should note further that the 3-way and DS turnouts were constructed from individual single turnout graphics, but the overall dimensions should be reasonably accurate because I checked them against the actual items. The double crossover and single “straight” turnouts came from the Empire Express program catalog for Walthers Code 83 and appear to be accurate.
