Yosemite Lumber Company Shay No. 4 operates on compressed air

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Yosemite Lumber Company Shay No. 4 operates on compressed air

I think its great that its in operating condition again. Great work ! But we really need to do something about STUPID government regulations that keep this locomotive and possibly others from running in the way they were built and intended to run.

It’s great to see the Shay running again. It’s too bad it can be only compressed air. The Sierra Nevada Logging Museum is a wonderful small museum and is well worth a special trip for anyone interested in logging and saw milling

Running a locomotive on compressed air may SEEM like a good idea, but I hope they have some method for lubricating valves, etc.

The people involved in her restoration deserve much credit for ingenuity, pluck, and hard work. She’s a bit of a sad sight, however, zombie-like with no heat in her vitals and no stack to amplify her voice. Let’s hope that a Frankenstein, in the spirit of Mrs. Shelley’s original creation, can create fuller semblance of life in the loco, now that she’s come this far

The people involved in her restoration deserve much credit for ingenuity, pluck, and hard work. She’s a bit of a sad sight, however, zombie-like with no heat in her vitals and no stack to amplify her voice. Let’s hope that a Frankenstein, in the spirit of Mrs. Shelley’s original creation, can create fuller semblance of life in the loco, now that she’s come this far

Calling the regulation forbidding the firing of the boiler “stupid” is being too kind.

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