Adding sound to a Bachmann DCC only onboard decoder engine....

Before I had a working knowledge of DCC equipped engines I bought (2) of the Bachmann DCC only engines. Now that I’m running various DCC w/sound engines these silent run engines kill the fun factor for me. What would be involved to add a sound bug to these DCC decoder only equipped engines…assuming it’s even possible?

Now you need a working knowledge on how to post questions in forums.

What engines?

Photos of the engine?

You might not get many answers without proper details. We are not mind readers. lol


You must remember,to have sound,you will need a speaker in the model to produce it,so we need to know what engines you want to put sound in and if it will fit, (The speaker)


Frank [:)]

In my opinion, you don’t want sound bugs. They have very weak, poor quality sound compared to a LokSound Select or Tsunami sound decoder.

As others have mentioned, we need to know which engines you’re talking about because there may not be room for a speaker in them.

Whew…Tough crowd today…I stand corrected for not providing sufficient specifics.

Having no knowledge of sound bugs I should have correctly asked for the pros and cons of 'em. The poor quality is all I needed to hear for what I contemplated doing (and yes I’m well aware a speaker would be needed…just common sense). FWIW the (2) engines in question are the DCC onboard Bachmann RS3 and GP9…both of which have existing speaker mounts located in the fuel tanks. Installing a full feature decoder be it Loksound or Tsunami would be a cramped fit given the construction of the base housing which is why I asked about a sound bug (being much smaller and easier fit).

Having recently suffered through a first-time, 2 week long 80’s vintage Atlas RS3 decoder install, with the prime grief finding enough space to mount a speaker with headlight LEDS added to the mix, I’m going to shelve converting these two engines. I can buy a Athearn Genesis GP9 w/DCC and full feature Tsunami decoder for less than the cost of adding an equivalent decoder to the $80 cost I paid for either Bachmann DCC only engine - and w/o all the installation grief that goes with it.

Thanks to all for the replies…albeit next time I post a question I’ll try to be as inclusive as I can to hopefully ward off being taken to the wood shed for failed post protocol.


Don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all posted threads possessing a glaringly obvious omission of the basic facts.

Your idea to just buy a dcc/sound equipped loco is smart, both from the economic and aggrevation points of view. Hang onto the existing locos, who knows how dcc technology may advance.


I put a sound-only decoder in a Bachmann trolley. I used a Digitrax SFX0416 - and I wouldn’t do it again. These decoders have very little volume even at their max level, and combined with the tiny 1/2-inch round speaker that fit in the trolley, it’s only audible when nothing else is running. I had to hard-wire the decoder to the original decoder board, as there was nowhere else to get power.

I’ve installed Sound Bug decoders, also. These have better output volume. However, compared with the Tsunami and Lok-Sound decoders in other engines, they sound kind of primitive.

But, they’re fine as secondary decoders in multi-engine consists, and that’s mostly how I use them. I won’t install any more, though. For the time and effort that it takes to install any decoder, I’d rather invest the extra dollars and install a really good one.

If you are going to put in a sound-only decoder, remember that they are not completely compatible with the Bachmann decoder. You will be able to run the engine and hear the sounds, but you may find that some of the built-in engine decoder functions, like light dimming, conflict with some of the sounds. Plan carefully for this, because you must isolate the decoders in order to program them.

Appreciate the “been there, done that” specifics. Again, not knowing squat about sound bugs your comments were definitive enough to further convince me to forget about them… [;)]


AAAAHH,The wood shed!! Just don’t let it happen, again…[(-D] [(-D] [(-D]


Frank [:D]

Get a Tsunami. Trust us on this one. It will put a smile on your face.

Or a Loksound, even bigger smile [:D]

ANd no programming problems.


Call it a (another) senior moment…still all black and blue from the whoopin’ … [B)]

And Loksound it will be when I tackle another decoder install/upgrade if for no other reason than I won’t have to find room for the dang LED diodes which Loksound integrates on their boards…

Only on the directs… David B

Only what on the Directs? Even the old 3.5s don’t have the inrush current issues of other brands.


Randy…only the directs have resistors integrated on the board for led support. David B

Yes - but that is like item 100 on my 100 top items to be worried about list.


For the GP9 go to the Bachmann trains web site. Click on ASK the Bach-man. Click search. Type in GP7 sound install by bapguy. Scroll down for photos of my install I installed a Tsunami board style with the built in caps. The one I used is for the Bowser F units as it has the resistors built in for LED’s. The GP7/9 have a space in the fuel tank for a 1"peaker. The RS3 also has a space for a speaker, but I don’t know what size. You may be able to install a board style in it like I did with the GP7. Joe

Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware Tsunami offered a board with a built in stay-alive cap plus the LED diodes which would help with the trying to stuff 5 lbs. of crap into a 1 lb bag scenario…

The Tsunami’s for Bowser loco’s have the caps built into the boards. The ones for Athearn have as well, but are set up for 1.5V bulbs. The Atlas style has the cap on short wires to the board but need resistors added for LED’s. I use the board style as I like a clean set up. I installed an Atlas board in a Bachmann GP30. I milled the top of the frame to put the cap into. It’s similar to milling the frame on the GP7. Joe