Where are some good places to watch trains in the burlington yard in lincoln, nebraska I would like a place with a lot of traffic but some where i wont get in trouble for sitting and watching trains. I would like to be within in a good camra range.
I used to drive a mile or 2 west of the Super 8 motel on West “O” street, then turn south on a county gravel road and watch trains as they arived at or departed from the yard. I assume the motel is still there. I’m not sure of the exact distance west to the public road as it’s been 12 or more years since I was out there. You may want more action or varied photo ops than this provides, however.
First, the one west is SW 40th and that gravel road used to cross the tracks. But BNSF has closed the road and there is really nowhere to park around there that is close enough to see and not get chased off, either by the sheriff or the BNSF personnel.
Every place in Lincoln that is close to the tracks is private property. UNL and BNSF have pretty well tied up any available space that you used to be able to sit on.
Right now - until November - our main drag isn’t open around West O street, due to replacement of the viaduct. So a lot of traffic is routing through the 1st and J area and making parking nearly impossible on any of the streets.
On the other hand, we drift through the J street area very slowly and go over some of the bypass bridges at the west end of the yard and ho-hum - not much activity right now.
Some people check out the small towns north and south of Lincoln. If you are discreet and maintain at least 100 feet from the rails, you might be able to snag a site to safely watch trains. We are a medium-sized city, but still have a lot of rural area around us.