Calgary Light Rail shortly after opening with original DuWag U2 equipment

A Canadian bwithy better familiarity can supply location and other details

The three shots of street running are downtown. 7 Ave SW between 4 St SE and 11 St SW is a dedicated transitway, only trains and buses are allowed. To save space they make stops on alternating blocks, and it is quite interesting to watch a train pull up right up behind a bus at a red light and then overtake it after the light changes and the bus pulls up and over into its stop.

The third photo with the pedestrian overpass is at the Anderson station, looking south. At the time this was the southern terminus of the system, and the extra track is a yard lead for the Anderson maintenance garage, which is visible in the background.

The fourth photo with the crossing is looking north toward the Whitehorn station, the original terminus of the northeast line.

What is the approximate dates of these photos?

July, 1987

Thanks. I rode the line in 1983. Couldn’t remember if those were the type of cars I rode.

Yes, they were.

Ariel view of 7th Street (possdibly from the hotel?0 and a bus passding a high-platform light rail stati9on.

repeated with less dirt and jaggedness, and come newly scanned:


I hope to have somje time to do further cleaning on these images.

Locations and commentary requested. Thanks.

Something must be a problem with this websight, the servers, or whatever, but I’ll try to post more pictujres this evening.

Servers overloaded earlier today. Here are new ones and most dirt removed from two posted earlier. Locations & Comments?

Again, locations and comments requested.

I note the upper photo requires further jagged-removal and dirt-spot-removal, and weill get those repairs in the next few days.

Improved version of the first of the previous posting and new ones.

To give you a chouce, all the underpass portal photos on one posting: