CLOSED////////The Coffee Pot is still on and over 3 years. Here we gather as friends with trains.

Well, the new software has its ways. I posted a closing and it would not take it. Just locked up. Had to redo it. Then went to post this one and it said I had to wait. Made me laugh. Here we go with all those posts behind us. Here is to the friends we have made and those we will make. HAPPY 2007 and more to come. God bless us all.

Hey why not have a CUP O JOE NOW?


Seems like a whole year went by[;)]


Happy New Year everyone!!!

Just finishing a cup now !! Yes, that year went fast !! Can’t wait to see Roy’s post, he will have 2007 posts when he does !! Pretty neat !!

Off to bed now & great job Chief !!

Thanks, John

Time for a big bowl of Southern grits and a glass of sweet ice tea. Yanks, run and hide. Us REBS are on a new year’s charge. [:-,]

Happy New Year Everyone

Happy New Year All!




Sounds good…And don’t forget to cook your Black Eyed Peas!

Got them swelling in a bowl of water right now. [dinner][C=:-)]

happy new year

HAPPY NEWYEAR 2007 [C):-)]The other day saturday 2006 I got a KW in mint for $99.99 with christmas cash Only 358 days till Christmas.

[bday] LAZ

Great deal on the KW, thanks for the kudos on the BDAY.


Show went well and everyone left very happy. We fooled them again. Happy New Years Guys! It’s been a great past year and I am looking forward to the new. Take care of yerselves tonight!


I already made my resolutions, and hopefully I can accomplish them.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Congradulations on the New Pot!

Maybe someone should contact the Gennius Records for the longest thread ?

Over 23,500 posts WOW

happy new year everyone. take it easy and take it one day at a time.

Howdy y’all. I think I might contribute regularly since I am here for the reopening. Dont worry y’all. One of my New Years resolutions is to be less of a jerk to you guys (provided I get the same-LOL).

Good. You jumped my case on another thread when I was paying you a compliment. Misunderstandings do happen. [:)]