CLOSED////////The Coffee Pot is still on and over 3 years. Here we gather as friends with trains.

Happy New Year to all!

Long live the new C’Pot!

Post 2007!

Hey - and I started the 2nd page!

Happy New Year!

Grits…Hmmm could never get into Grits. How about Waffles and maple syrup??

All the best




Roger’s Corners, Ohio…Elev. 936 ft.

Well, Happy New Year Y’all! It is good that we should meet here. I am watching “I Love Toy Trains” on Lionel and Christmas on RFD-TV. Looks like we are heading back to Columbus for some more purchases for the bride. I do not like this shopping thing unless it is for trains, I guess I have to be good as She Who Must Be Obeyed gives me plenty of leway with regard to my hobbies. Well, Grits and Flapjacks for breakfast and Black Eyed Peas with Collard Greens for dinner. I wonder what we are to eat to guarantee more trains for the new year. Have a wonderful and Blessed New Year. Dennis

Happy New Year!!! Have to work today, but that’s OK. Here a pic of the 282 I just finished.


Happy New Year to Everyone and…

Good Morning from Blueberryhill…

It is a sunny 42 degrees, going up to 48 today with maybe, rain later.

Looks like a lot of Folks were up late or up early. Good to see the new Coffee Pot in operation. I’m glad everyone had a safe and happy evening.

Today is a resting day. Nice meal and enjoy the things that make life complete. Maybe running trains later this afternoon. I hope all you guys have an enjoyable day too.

Here is the Dining Car with breakfast. Later.

Y’all have a great New Year’s Day 2007.


I love grits but I love waffles and maple syrup more. In fact, Santa brought me a big jug of maple syrup [ordered from Conn.].

Morning to all and afternoon [I guess] to our buddies on the other side of the pond. Should be asleep but could not go back. Raining here. Must be real warm as turned the heat down last night and house is still the same temp as it was then. I’ve got to go find some real coffee. Remember, you will get a $1 for each blackeyed pea you eat.[;)]



From NE Ohio

where the temp is 45 deg and falling to mid 30’s and maybe some light snow.

Cheif - maybe we should start a new theard each year and name it by the year.

Don - MR forum beat us by having over 27,000 post on there thread. [sigh]

We are starting this year with a full head of steam !


Good Morning Everyone !!

Nice to see the new “Coffee Pot” perkin’ right along !! Tom has a full head of steam up !! [:)]

Well, we are now into January & that puts me a little closer to getting my new Atlas steamer I have on preorder !! Just hope it comes on time !! Of course I know it won’t !! [(-D]

Hope everyone has a nice New Years day !!

Thanks, John

Happy New Year from a damp Crystal Lake where the family (or rather the youngest) slept in the latest we ever have since he arrrived - 0809 am. Hurray! I love Tom’s idea of making the thread annual. We had a few friends over (and their kids - nothing harder in familydom than young ones up too late) I made the wives chocolate martinis which let me watch the Bears get destroyed on national TV - sigh. Hope to take down Christmas today. Have a great day all!

Somehow I missed the reason given for the deletion of the old coffee pot? [?] Was it because it was getting too sticky talking about grits? Or was it the promotion of sweet tea, a known cause for tooth decay? [(-D]

Good morning everyone,

I already had my breakfast, M&M’s. It’s going to be rainy and cold here today.

I am in the process of designing an N-scale layout, which will be on a door. The reason that it will be on a door is because there is more room for expansion, if I can get land grants. I know that I will be running primarily Lehigh Valley, Reading, CNJ, PRR, Chesapeake&Ohio, N&W, and NYC on the layout. I will post pix when I start building it.

I hope everyone has a good day.

Too many lame brains in Ohizo. [:O]

Now off to my breakfast of country ham biscuits, eggs and grits [my wife cooked breakfast [:O]]. Later

Good Morning and Happy New Year. Its gloomy outside and I’m getting a nasty cold. Been on vacation since the Thursday before Christmas. Don’t go back till Wednesday. I kind of fell out of the old coffee pot, lets see if I can post more in the new pot. Time to start counting the days for the K-line club engine to show up. I payed for it in October 2004. I hope its worth the wait. The inlaws are coming over for dinner today(Pork, dumplings & sourkraute. NO GRITS). Oldest daughter going back to PA after dinner, youngest one home for the rest of the week. It was nice having them home for the holidays. Have a good day.



Fist day of my 50th year, ouch?

Rainy here today might go out hunting with flintlock if weather improves or stay at home and put some lights on the layout?

All have a good one.



I toned down the greetings for all those bloodshot eyes this morning.

It’s a balmy 45F with nary a snowflake in sight here in Gormley. I ain’t complainin’ tho. Usually by now you can hear a Ford rusting from 40 feet away.

Time to tear down the tree and put away the Standard Gauge stuff. That’s the signal it’s time to get back to working on the attic if I’m ever going to catch up to Chief. I’ll try taking pictures of the progress and post them here …just don’t expect any jackrabbit results. I have to build a room first before I even think of benchwork.

I’m glad the Coffee Pot is back without any major Starbucks changes. And no Mocca Soya Latte at $7.95 a cup either!

Bruce Webster

Mornin’ everyone. Spank, can you please pass the sugar? Just another day for me; gotta be at work at 1430 hours. HAPPY NEW YEAR, just the same.

Duda’s 2007 Resolutions:

  • Hold off on any lawn mowing until Feb 14, 2007
  • Find a hairpiece that makes me look like Bill Clinton
  • Get new teeth that won’t stain from drinkin’ too much sweet tea
  • Be the first guy in Texass to wire up TMCC II
  • Lose 40 lbs so I can push my snowblower better
  • Eat more grits than ChiefieBoy does for breakfast (without pukin’!)
  • Keep my post count less than 1000 at the end of the year
  • Post something train related…

Best Wishes to everyone for the VERY BEST of new years!

Laz, Keep me posted on that 50 stuff, I turn the big 50 in June[sigh]


Now that is a real cup of coffee. Made a journey to Texas and Louisiana about 3 years ago for a wedding. First time I had ever had Community Coffee. The Mrs. and I bought about 4 lbs of the dark roast to bring home with us. If I close my eyes tight and breathe deep I can still smell the aroma.
