8 years old. I started this April 1 in Savanah, GA. while doing a Bass Pro Shops event. Had a daily one on a fishing fourm for 5 years before that. Suggested to do a continous thread by Big Boy [Elliot F]. Ran for a long time until we jammed up the CTT server. Then we went to monthly Pots. Some still here, some left and new ones came. An outstanding group. Enjoy.
Time for me to call it a night. See y’all tomorrow.
Its not april first yet chief you need to stay up till then to start the new one. wow 6 years sure been a while. a lot of jaw yacking also. [:-^]
What he started early again. Oh well goodnight Chief…S.J.
April already?
Good evening all,
It is cloudy in SE Indiana. All I can say right now is that I hope the real number 14 wins tomorrow in INDYCAR.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Barrel Roles sound fun - let’s go Mike!
Wow, April already! Chief, I think it might have been longer than 6 years? That would be back in 06 and I know we were on here already then, because I was working at home and posting a couple times a day back then. Maybe 2005? or it was early 2006?
Well, mowed the lawn like 80 percent of the way - need to do in the trees and also the trimmer, but it was so tall it was crazy hard to mow it. Usually I can mow the whole yard with the push (self-propelled) mower in like 2 hours and I was out there about 4 hours working at it. I have some kind of thin viny knobby stuff growing all over the place on the back hill - don’t like it. It just lays down and the mower runs over it.
I bought a charger for the riding mower battery - apparently I didn’t have the luck my father-in-law has and I’ll have to charge this thing up! I also picked up some weed and feed - hope that works on those weeds!
Nice layout work, Don [tup]
Nice chat with SJ today and also tonight with him and Charlie and RT. TARDIS is ready, so let’s get moving!
Good early morning everyone. Getting ready for bed…I really mean it this time. Sorry to hear of the third victim in that fire in Colorado. Sounds like the forest service will have some answers to come up with.
Chief, thanks for getting this going. I consider it a blessing to have such a place to come and enjoy friendships with so many here. For those going to York, have a great and safe time. Hope the rain doesn’t come that way till after you are on your way home. Don’t forget to follow the arrows!
Well, I had better turn in for the night.
God Bless,
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday and a nice April Fool’s Day – of course you all are still asleep while I’m posting this. Are SJ’s, Charlie’s, Brutus’s, and RT’s new avatars part of the day’s shenanigans? We had a nice church service this morning and relaxing now. The handyman I hired to install our backyard fence is here now. Yes, I could have probably done it myself, but I don’t have much free time these days and his price is very fair. Plus, I know when he installs it; it will not fall down during the monsoon season. The wife and I will have a dinner date tonight and that is all we have on the agenda.
AF Ray – I have not had pizza yet outside of the base. I have heard they have some crazy concoctions. I am originally from N
Good morning. It’s 68°F and cloudy with fog becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. The high will be 88°F.
No set plans for today. I may work on some locos later. My really BIG six axle locos that liked my old layout (even the 18" radius curves) don’t like the new layout. That’s OK. I have some smaller locos that are in need of decoders and seeing as the big ones won’t be needing theirs, well, you know how that goes. If you hear a pair of SDP40F’s screaming for help as their decoders are being ripped out just ignore it. They’re just seeking attention.
Good Morning
Day is starting a bit wet this morning…they forecast 60% chance of rain and we are getting it…in monsoons…
Having a quiet day today…listening to the birds in our backyard…proposing to attempt a clean up of a couple of Fibber Magee and Mollie closets in here …then getting some tiles readied for Floor Wars, London ON division, forgot which number.…
Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR…
It is a cloudy 46 degrees. Going up to 68 today with cloudy skies.
Today is an easy day. A few chores to do and then I will relax. Nascar race on TV. I plan to run trains this afternoon, while I watch the race. Maybe a nap.
Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.
Y’all have a great Sunday.
Mornin’ boys. Cloudy and 46 here in the Mid-Atlantic region. S’posed to take Wifey and youngest princess down to the yatchet to swab the decks. [oX)] It had better warm up first. Gotta finish up laundry this morn. Will probably dvr the NASCAR race. It was Fifepup’s day off, but he just got a call from Safeway, so he’s going in this afternoon. Kinda makes me proud.
Blownout - C&C…that’s a racer. Any trophies? When do you commission in spring?
The wife and I returned from dinner a short while ago. We went out for some tonkatsu which is different cuts of pork that are breaded and fried. I had a special loin which apparently came from Spanish pigs. I must admit that it was the juiciest and most tender piece of pork I ever ate. The Japanese have a special sesame seed dipping sauce that really compliments the pork. Needless to say, the wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our dinner. The handyman worked for about two hours before losing daylight. He was able to complete for posts and the gate. I’m glad he is doing it as there is a great deal of rock about six inches down. The code for fence posts on base is 18” deep. I’ll be off to bed soon; I can’t believe the weekend is already gone.
Fife – That is a smart pup you have there. Going in to work when being called on a day off speaks volumes to superviso
40 degrees and Still cloudy.
Joe, yes you are right about the avatars, at the end of the day they are going to gather at the pond and build the chief a nice new dam.Granny’s at church and I just got up, still coughing but feeling much better. Our grass is green but not long enough for cutting yet. I figure at least once before York. I’ll be glad to get there as all my underwear is packed in the suitcase…S.J.
Fife… We raced a few times when we first got the thing…won 2 trophies……we usually commission about the middle of April up here…if we be lucky. Sometimes a little later…
Went out TROUT FISHING yesterday at the crack of 5PM. til 730 and caught and release 9 brookies and brownies. Brookies were real nice and colorful. Had fire burgers and dogs and OL MILs. All was good with the world.
CHIEF, DA COFFEE POT started in Oct. 2004. That’s when I started to post here and BUCKEYE will tell you. YUZ GUYZ made fun of me for being a CLEVELAND INDIANS FAN. Til this day it still stings[;)][:(][:D].
Stay frosty,
Good Morning,
DENNIS, Thanks for the tip on superantispyware ! I downloaded and ran the scan last night. Seems to be working a lot better! Will see how it works today then subscribe. THANKS A LOT!
Today is my last day in the traffic department at Knotts. Then over to the railroad! Have more detail will share later.
Yesterday was a busy day! Went to swap meet for 2 hours, then to Knotts for 4 hours, then to in-laws and trimmed the Natal Plum hedge next to the house. Was tired, no problem sleeping.
Regarding Ray’s layout, it is really cool. It encompasses the entire garage, some of the really significant features includes a passenger station, (Grand Central I think), which includes a lower level train entry for 8 or 9 trains, and operating elevator bridge and Bascule bridge. (I posted some pictures of Buckeyes car a couple of years ago on the elevator bridge. During the car exchange). He also has a large visitor area that will easily accommodate 6 people. He built the layout in the 70’s, and when you consider the materials and technology available then it is awesome! He has since added DCS to it. Really a fun layout!
Regarding the Pot, I only started in 2005, I’m still a Newbie.
Off to work, hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks again Dennis! This is the first post I’ve done from my laptop in months!
Demay - In fifepup, I tried to instill the “go to guy” mentality.
Blownout - The yatchet is a whale-tail, so no trophies on the horizon. On the good side, she doesn’t make me “pay” for errant tacks or jibes, and the crew feels comfortable sailing on her. I like reading about Great Lakes sailing destinations. Short season would drive me crazy though.
dbaker - Living the dream. [Y][8D]
laz - Could be worse…could be a w_O’_es fan…[sigh]
Aloha and happy April Fools day! I am back from a spring break jaunt out east to visit relatives. Drove IL-IN-OH-PA-NJ-NY-CT to visit my mom, then back to NYC to visit my sister and her new baby, then off to Old Sturbridge Village near Jack in MA which is a recreation of an 1820s New England village. I hadn’t been since I was a pup. Finally, to Boston for more relative visiting and touristy walks. Long 17 hour drive home back to Crystal Lake yesterday and hope to settle back in before returning to work tomorrow.
Found an interesting book: The Railwayman’s Pocket-book, full of running instructions to crews in Great Britain during their age of steam; also picked up a program to the Pageant of Railways from the 1939 NY World’s Fair.
Hope to catch up with the Pot tomorrow.