E33 at the IRM

The News Wire had a good write-up on the acquistion of CR 4601 by the Illinois Railway Museum. Since Roanoke already has an EL-C in VGN colors, I would suggest that this EF-4 be restored in NH colors. Any other suggestions??

  1. New Haven red-orange, white, and black is an attractive eye-catching scheme.

  2. I think it may be the only New Haven rep IRM has.

$ talk !!!

This has been in the works for a while. From what I’ve read over the past few weeks, they haven’t settled on a scheme yet, but Conrail colors seem to be the leading contender.

Since one is safe and sound and hopefully always will be in its original paint scheme, I’d like to see this one change between subsequent paint schemes that this class wore, every time it needs a repainting. Perhaps a Conrail paint scheme today, maybe New Haven in 15-20 years when this upcoming paint job starts to fail, perhaps Penn Central colors one day, and even Norfolk & Western eventually since one member of this class was repainted during their short career for the N&W.

The Central New York chapter of the NRHS has done something similar with their GG1, chamging it up from time to time when it needs sprucing up. A trend that hopefully continues in the future when this latest Amtrak paint job needs replacing.

Was it the red-orange body with 3 white stripes and black top and underbody and lettering?

IIRC all the electric locos originally built for the NH were scrapped, so the 2 saved E-33’s (second hand) are the only electrics with any NH heritage left. NH was a major electrification, and this would be the only chance to have an electric loco in NH colors. As I remember, at the RR Museum of PA, there already is an E-44 (big brother to the E-33) in Conrail paint.

Unless something has changed very recently, the E44 is in PRR colors.

I think Conrail or New Haven colors would be great to see. Then as I said, hopefully when it’s time for a fresh paintjob, they take the opportunity to represent another era of this unit’s history and paint it in a different scheme.

Would have been nice to see the EF-4 stay in New England.

The RMMofPA’s E44 was donated by Amtrak, and arrived in Amtrak MOW silver with black roof and lettering. As we can see, it has since been restored to PRR black. They also have a GP30, originally PRR, which by overwhelming vote of the FRM membership was restored in Conrail blue.

I think it would be great to see the IRM’s engine in New Haven colors. Shame there aren’t any EP5’s left.

Any idea where its at now?

Another “vote” for the EF-4 scheme. It looked good in CR blue, but they didn’t run long in the CR era and few were blue for very long.

heard a bird outside my window this AM chirping NH NH! Is there some news anyone has heard?