Great quotes from model rails..........mostly inspirational

Just about every field of endeavor has quotes from greats. Model railroading should not be different. Here are three quotes which actually had quite an influence on me.

  1. John Allen…“No matter how strange or bizzare your model may be, rest assured that there was once a prototype.” I heard this during the late 70’s from an army officer in Monterey, CA. who knew and played trains with Allen.

  2. John Glaab…“A model railroader is similar to an orchestra leader as he does not have to know how to play all of the instruments, but knows how to put the sound together”. Glaab of Peach Creek shops in Maryland and author of Brass Guide Volume 2 told me this in a conversation about using items made by others.

  3. Dr. Bernard Zane (my dad, and this may be somewhat off color, but it had meaning)…“A model railroad is like one’s manlihood…it does not have to be large to have fun with it, but if it is really large, it can certainly be a lot more fun”. Dad said this while defending the huge size of his O gauge pike (95’x 16’).

I hope the above does meet the standards of the moderator. I did clean up the most important word in Dad’s quote.

I’d love to hear quotes you folks may have heard over the years.


I don’t know who said it…


“If you are not having fun, you are not doing it right”


All my modeling efforts are just for fun. I refuse to let the non-fun crowd bring me down.




Hello all,

Here’s one of my favorites…

“A model railroad should probably start with a concept. Why? Because much knowledge about railraoding, experience in model railroading, and thought are required before a proper concept for a model railroad can be formed. These requirements are seldom possible on a first pike. Mine was no exception.”
- -John Allen; Gorre & Daphetid Railroad.

Hope this helps.

From former MR editor Paul Larson in 1957:

“Persistence is the common demoninator of good model railroading. It always has been. It always will be. There is no substitute, no short cut for trying to do a job better. If a diesel you’ve painted looks sloppy, don’t rationalize yourself into believing it looks good. Face up to the fact that it isn’t realistic, then try painting it again. You’ll be surprised by how much better you can do the job the second time around – and you’ll get a lot of satisfaction out of doing a better job.”

Dave Nelson

I probably don’t have this quite right, but I remember John Armstrong saying “All scales cost the same amount - all you can afford.”



Your dad’s quote almost had me fall off the chair. Well played!

I found two more from an earlier post:

Thank goodness for model trains, for if not for them, they would hever have had the idea for the big trains…” (From the movie “A Mighty Wind.”) [:D]

The second …

"[green**]Even if you’re on the right track, you’re going to get run over if you don’t move**[/green]."
Mark Twain. [;)]


" Model Railroading and life are very similar… Both have hills and valleys, I believe that it’s kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life. No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for."

Not sure who said this one, but it is something I often reflect upon both outside and inside of this great hobby.

I don’t know the originator of this quote but I use it frequently…

“This model passes the 20/20 test — it looks good from twenty-feet away going twenty miles an hour.”

Regards, Ed

I guess this is just me. I built it. l paid for it. I have enjoyed it. I don’t owe you an explanation for it.

I use the quote to describe my own modeling, not as a swipe at any one else. I’m always supportive, positive and encouraging toward other’s efforts.

Cheers, Ed

Looking at replies, I guess not many can think of quotes from other model rails…so here are two more that could qualify:

. " Model trains…you may still have a happy childhood!" We used this slogan which could be a quote, but we do not know who from, for The Great Scale Model Train show.

. “Jeez, do you set this up every Christmas?” From several visitors to my railroad over the last two decades.

There is a difference between a comment and a quote…comments usually fade within a short period of time, but good quotes do not.



I guess model railroading just doesn’t lead to great fundamental truths about human nature. We’ll just have to have fun and leave the pontificating to other pursuits.[(-D]


“It may be expensive, but it is cheaper than psychiatry.” …

I forgot who said that.

Howard… Thanks for another thought starting thread… I have sometimes seen photos of your beautiful layout. My request is you show some in the MR Forum. Perhaps, you could post a picture of your layout in the next Weekly Photo Fun. … Cheers.