In the spirit of the day here’s a neat video I found concerning Lionel’s “Spirit of '76” series from back in the Bicentennial days. (Man, is it really almost 50 years ago? I remember the Bicentennial vividly! Where do the years go?)
Anyway, it’s from the YouTube channel “Toy Train Tips And Tricks” and I’m sure you’ll find it enjoyable and interesting.
And for additional holiday motivation here’s this:
Makes me want to grab me firelock, fix a bayonet, and charge them bloody Redcoats!
Have a safe and sane Fourth of July! (Even if it’s not much fun being safe and sane! [;)]
Thanks Flint. Happy Independence Day, y’all

Those Bicentennial diesels are VERY impressive 'Fife! And I’ll bet they pull a LOT better than the Seaboard Bicentennial diesel that’s part of the “Spirit of '76” series. I’ve got one myself (Came with the whole series I bought at a train show) and it doesn’t pull all 13 cars worth squat. No problem, when I run the train I use this:
Oh yeah, President Washington pulls those 13 states behind him with no problem, just like he did in 1789!
Flint - The pair of SD45-2s are TCA’s special run set, and belong to my best bud, Tom. They do pull nicely, sound great, but those kinematic couplers don’t like my layout.
They’re beautiful just the same!
A short patriotic consist worthy of Fifedom I believe [

Can’t forget it’s sister locomotive or lady liberty!

Wow! Infantry, artillery, dictator mortars, and the Lone Ranger!
That train’s ready for anything!
Yikes! The Redcoat’s comin’! [:O]
Somebody get Paul Revere!