Hobby Lobby Half Price Train Stuff

Once a year, Hobby Lobby sells their train sets and accessories for 50%. This is the week. If your Hobby Lobby is like mine it’s pretty limited, but they do have some basic Atlas sectional track, MP flex track, and some Woodland Scenic supplies. Good time to stock up if you need it.

Thanks for the tip! I got two grocery bags full of Woodland Scenics for $50. Not too bad :slight_smile: (rolls of plaster cloth at $4.00 shakers full of ballast $4.50…pretty good deal)

I picked up a Mantua 0-6-0 tank engine and some cars, bunches of trees and ground cover. Usually I am the only one in the area of the store but this year there were five other people. Grabbed some wire and some glue. Usually I stock up on the Woodland scenic stuff for the year. The Mantua tank engine DCC ready for $19.95 and the classic cars for $5 were a good deal. Bought one of the Model Power metal cars just to see what they are like. It’s the one day a year I wait for!


Good tip on Hobby Lobby. About a month ago one of the three LHS in my area, Cedar Park Hobbies, went out of business [:(] and finally got down to 50-75% off. I loaded up on HO Model Power kits, a boat load of styrene and best deal was a half box (50 pieces) of Atlas Code 100 flex for 50% off each piece. I’ll use this for my lower level staging yard.

Hobby Lobby is where I go to get my acrylic paints. They are ridiculously cheap compared to Polly S and have a much larger color selection. Would you believe 44 cents a bottle.

jecorbett, which acrylic paint brand are you buying at Hobby Lobby and what ratio of thinner to paint are you using?

I picked up about $40 worth of trees and follage yesteray for $20.


Not to be a wet blanket, but advertising for specific companies is verboten! It encourages others companies to try to turn this forum into an advertising space and that would ruin the purpose of this forum.

It’s also unfair to companies that DO pay for advertising space and that support this forum.

I know it’s a great deal and you guys want to share, but please try to resist.


Yeah, I understand and agree.


It’s called a Bargain and some appreciate the annual reminder.


I’m not so sure that this is a violation of that rule. If the person is not affiliated with whatever store they are telling us about, then it’s simply one person sharing information about something they ran across. It would be the same as me sharing about a good experience I had at a store or with a product.

At any rate, I’m not the moderator here and neither are you. Bergie had told us on several occasions that if anyone has a concern about a topic/post, then email him and he will make the call.