10,25 or 50 years or the Second Coming when the new Jeruselem comes down from the sky as per Revelation? “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=270TG23ZmKc.
When real peace comes there will be restoration of Cairo - Istambule - Western Europe service with Israel between Cairo and Istambule. New: Saudi Arabia - Haifa port service via Acco in Jordan. Also Tel Aviv and Jerusalem - Moscow via Iran.
When real peace comes…(or so they think it will) it will only be for a short time and then the Anti-Christ will perform great wonders and assume the seat in the holy of holys in Jeruselem. Not sure if the Beast and the Anti Christ will be one and the same. The bible does talk about Earth getting hit with a Astroid by the name of Wormwood. If you buy this belief or not the fact is that there are too many players that want to see Israel in a state of perpetual conflict. There might be a rail system for a short time that might connect Europe with the Middle East but I will bet the ranch that some war along the route will shut it down.
You’ve mixed religion and politics both. Congratulations! I think you’ve spent too much time in dive bars. Anyway, I loved that video game, “Asteroids,” didn’t you?
Someday we should be able to take a train around the world if everyone behaves.
I thought it was worldwide Nuclear war that was doomsday?, already that is discarded and we are onto asteroids. There was a time in the 1970’s it was UFO alien intervention (which I thought was really cool at the time). In 20 years it will change yet again I am sure. Eventually folks will learn to put that book in proper context. Just not sure how long it will take…if ever.
Regardless, we really shouldn’t be this far off in the weeds with the discussion here.
I’m 87 and expect to see peace in this part of the World while I am alive. You can contact me directly at daveklepper@yahoo.com, since explanations might be removed by the moderator if posted on this thread.