Is anyone building Z scale layouts?

About ten years ago, I built a Z scale layout. The Micro Trains turnouts I used were very disappointing - very poor conductivity, which resulted in constant stalls. No amount of track cleaning or wheel cleaning helped.

Are there any commercially available Z scale turnouts that function reliably? Just checking, as I am deciding whether to have another go at Z scale or to just give my remaining track and rolling stock away.

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I have no experience with Z scale, but I Googled out of curiosity.

There is a long article on Z scale turnouts on the primary Z scale website. It is worth a look.

On another forum, the hard learned advice is to avoid turnouts on Z scale layouts at all costs.

Overall, not very encouraging.

Just out of curiosity, how big or small is your layout? I have often mused about a huge Z scale layout instead of the typical small one.


Hi, Rich. Thanks for your reply!

I am currently building an 11 x 15 multi-level around-the-walls N scale layout. I inherited Z scale track, buildings and rolling stock from my Dad and am trying to decide whether to keep it or not. I may use some Z scale structures to create forced perspective on the N layout.

It seems that for now, Z is more of a novelty than a good scale in which to build an interesting and reliable layout.

Thanks again, Rich


I would love to see your track plan and some photos.


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I just posted a few photos of my N scale layout, in progress. Still need to build and install the main yard, which will be 3” above the 5-track staging yard on the lower level.


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Wow, I did not expect that. That is one gorgeous layout. I am replying on my iPhone, but I first saw these photos on my laptop and thought it was Z scale before I read your follow up reply. Beautiful work and in N scale no less.


Wow, nice work! Is it possible for you to post a close-up photo of the control panel? I have a smaller N layout, and I’m trying to come up with ideas on a panel.

Hi, York1! I just started a new post on the Layout Building section, since I had gotten off-topic on my Z scale post. The new Layout Building post has photos and information on the control panels.

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Z scale layouts can be challenging due to the small size, and reliable turnouts are crucial for smooth operation. You might want to explore Rokuhan or Märklin turnouts, as they are often praised for better conductivity and reliability. If you decide to give Z scale another shot, consider integrating feeders near turnouts to improve electrical consistency. If frustrations persist, moving to a larger scale might be a rewarding alternative. Good luck!

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Thanks for the information, Albert!

PDisel, most impressive. I’ll check out more on the Layout Section. May I ask, is the helix a kit or did you build it yourself? The overall design look much like how I built one years ago.

Regards, Chris

How common are DCC decoders in Z scale locomotives?


For US prototype, you’ll want to look into Atlas Z scale track and turnouts, it’s the best going for Z. I’m hand laying the track on my layout currently. If you need any help in Z, don’t hesitate to message me.

Here are a couple photos of a scratch built viaduct for my N&W layout. Z scale isn’t what it used to be, it’s light years ahead even from a few years ago.


Here is a video from my ATSF Raton Pass layout. This is Atlas track btw


Great stuff. Thanks for posting.


That is the great thing about those small scales.
They are all about long trains and grand scenery.

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For sure.

A bit tempting to make the switch.


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Welcome to the forum, Joe100!

I’m looking forward to seeing more of your amazing Z work.