In memory of

Jeffrey Scott Wimberly

July 07, 1960-December 15, 2014

AKA Running Bear, Dr. Frankendiesel, The Spray Can Rembrandt

Volunteer firefighter, exceptional model railroader and friend.

Wow! That was abrupt!

I hate when movies end that way.

Have A Good One! [:D]


Welcome to a new section of the diner,### The### Weekly Honors Section### OF Jeffrey’s Trackside Diner!### This week we honor a dear friend, who many here have known to share his talents at planing layouts, who may lose his eyesight, our international friend, [color=red]Sir Madog, himself, Ulrich In Germany![/color]

Each week, we will take nominees for, and votes for, the Weekly Honors Section, {if there is any participation}, and honor that person in acknowledgement of their paricipation in, their contributions to, and whom best dignifies the way Jeffrey would operate in life and in our diner world here. Each Sunday, there will be a nominee installed to the “High Exualted Grand Pooba Position” {HEGPP} of Weekly Honors! {Weekly members can be re-established for subsequent weeks by voters!}. To start things off, Since it IS Sunday, I have nominated,seconded and voted Ulrich in!

SO, Plan your nominations for next Sunday’s Honors! All votes must be cast by Saturday Night!

Let’s try it and see if we can have some fun with it!


Sorry, Frank with the stripes! I didn’t see you and the doggies there, or I would have warned you!



Yeah…It didn’t come with instructions when You bought it new, either. NAW! Just kidding, [(-D]

Take Care! [:D]


WE are, IN honor of Ulrich, our first HEGPP{Prounounced “HEGPEEP”}, In Germany!

Checek out the site below to travel that great nation:

Explore Germany and attand Cultural events!:

Train travel in Germany today:

Train travel MAP including to nearby Hamburg for our Ulrich in Tostedt:

Toast to Ulrich: Prost!

Get your GErman Rail PAss:

Now that we can get around on rails, lets explore Germany this month on modern trains!

Our train timetable from landing in Berlin to Hamburg to visit Ulrich:

lets go!

{I’m tired that flight made me so, ah, to relax on the train}


When All else fails, Read the “DEstructions”…


Two below zero at last report, and the furnace decides to go on strike. [:'(] It tries to fire up.for about 15 seconds, then shuts down without any heat coming out of the registers. Good thing it stopped giving heat after the missus was in bed, though it means a surprise Sunday visit by the HVAC guys. [soapbox]

If you hear an explosion coming from Endicott, Galaxy, it’s probably just my house.

And happy March to everyone![:D]

And on such a chilly {read: BITTER COLD, negative ambient temps} night too!

Good luck, if you have a fireplace or electic heaters, bring them out!

Often, if they don’t have the part in stock, they can’t get it til Monday or TUesday anyway!

By Wednesday we will be in the 40s!

GOod, I won’t have to wear a heavy coat after shoulder surgery…


Good evening/morning Diners,

Flo, no coffee until later , please.

Abrupt end to the movie?! There weren’t any credits. I didn’t get to see who the Key Grip was. Yeah, like it matters. :):slight_smile:

YGW: Merchandise Planning. You kind of have the right idea, but it’s more like let’s put 6’ of tires next to 2’ of chrome plated swizzle sticks. Then we’ll put Men’s and Boys over in the NW corner, and well put Shoes between Juniors and Pluses. It’s not like I’m dressing mannequins or anything like that. That is usually referred to as Visual Merchandising, which is a whole separate thing.

Well, it’s late. I’m off to bed. I’ll try to post later in the day.

Happy March Diners. May it be better for each of you than February was.

i hope everyone is OK, safe, and warm.

Good Morning!

Already March - I nearly missed a complete month!

Yesterday was a very special day for me! Thanks to your great help, I was able to put the new set of glasses on order! Petra took me to the optometrist, where I spent three hours. The optometrist took extra care to get all the measurements required to taylor-make the glasses for me and rechecked my vision. The left eye has seen some damage, resulting in a somewhat smaller viewing angle. But that should not stop me from coming back to a near normal life again. It´ll take three weeks, before the glasses are ready. Believe me - I have started to count the hours! It´s been a nightmare for me not to see properly.

I will (be able to) look spectacular with the new spectacles [(-D]

Blessings to you all!

March already, where’s the Year going to!!!
Gidday Zoe, I’ll have some iced green tea and you’d better get Bob and the Missus something hot please. Minus 2 and a bung furnace, that’s the trouble with machinery, it only breaks down when you use it.[sigh]
I’d better go and hide down in Elliots booth, especially If I mention that it was

Good mornign again!

I see our High Exautled Grand Pooba stopped in!

Itr is of GREAT fortune we were able to help the old chap out! 3 WEEks wait? well, it’ll take at least another week before the funds go over there!


The more the merrier I say!

P.S: To all those who have donated thus far: You will all get a personal thank you form me with proof the funds were,indeed, sent!

Thank yo all so much!

I MAY have a straggler donation coming in yet…

[color=red]MAKE IT A GREAT DAY![/color]


Good Morning!!!

Sunday Breakfast Buffet please. Oh and coffee thank you.

[bday] (late) Ken! Musta missed you’re foot issue. Rest assured my wishes for your healing are plenty.

I see where others are doing better and others are still in need of prayers and well wishes. Rest assured I am.

Yup, this Sunday is like a mirror of last Sunday[sigh]. Awoke to an additional 8 inches on the ground (nothing compared to some of you I know). I doubt if this will melt by noon though like last time. Good news is it’s all light and fluffy so there is no real weight. I’ll still wait until the village is finished with the majority of the roads so they don’t refill the end of the drive. But as light as the snow is, I doubt it would matter.

My back gutters are beginning to look a bit like Rays. He’d laugh and say that was nothing. We’ve seen his and yes he would be right, mine is nothing.

Haven’t got into t

I totally forgot it was March.

Happy Birthday Ken.

You’re a very busy person today Galaxy don’t have work to hard.


Good for You!!! The climb is alway’s easier…with the help of friends. God Bless.

Should we be looking forward to a photo with Your ‘‘lederhosen’’ and Your new spec’s?

Take Care! [:D]


Ulrich! You’re “looking good.” And pretty soon you’ll be seeing good, too. (Disclaimer: “Good” is colloquial, while the correct word would be “well.”)

Galaxy, I hope you don’t end up like me after my shoulder surgery 20 years ago. My arm had to be kept up at 90 degrees to my body for a month while it healed. I could move my forearm, but I had a big chunk of foam strapped to my body to hold the arm up. I had no clothes that would fit over this contraption, so I bought an ultra-large hockey jersey to wear to work. After a week or so, I was able to wear a T-shirt and then put the foam block and straps over that, so I didn’t need the jersey. I was passing by a few of the ladies at work the first day in the T-shirt, and one said, “So that’s what it looks like underneath.” I thought quickly and came up with one of my best come-backs ever: “They have them in black at Victoria’s Secret.” While in this mode, I had to use a beach ball to hold my arm up while I took a shower. It took a while to find one of those in April in Massachusetts. As a goalie, I still wear that Bruins jersey proudly over my pads on Tuesday nights.

I’ve started installing the first grade crossing system on the layout, the one with just crossing flashers. I’ve got the flashers themselves installed (Oregon Rail Supply kit-built) and now I’m working on the photodetectors and IR LEDs so they’ll work at night.

Extra strong coffee with a pinch of coal dust in a RUSSIAN IRON mug, please.

So far, most of the N locos I’ve tested (for sale on the-bay) will only need a little oil and run time and then should run like new. Some of the older vintage locos have mileage on them, but still run after a fashion. Definitely time to sell the collection off. Need to re-establish the HO train funds account after some larger purchases. Really looking forward to starting the new layout.

Think I overdid it on the ankle recovery. Time to back off, but not going to use crutches again because the one shoulder is totally messed up. Probably should have it in a sling. I’m not growing old very gracefully.[|(]

Have a great day all. Healing thoughts for those in need.

Cheers! [C):-)] Rob

Nope, I believe he said in a sling strapped to my waist. And that is just what I am inagining, will be difficult enough but, I/we will make it work somehow.

MOH is taking family medical leave and has at least a month of full time off, according to teh Surgeon,but may nto need it in totality… Then I start PT, adn I will be off nad runnign.

I have a couple oversized shirts I intend to wear while I heal…

MOH will shower with, to clean,and will take care of the um, necessities you know…until I can reach certain areas of my own body again.

I CANNOT WAIT. I went to the grocery store yesterday and with no pain killers on board {cna’t take as my bleed}, my shoudler has been telling me all about it since! I was in such pain, worse than my back!

MY dyslecxic typing may actually improve as I will ahve to one-handed