March Coffee Pot. 10 years old. For those to visit and chat. Open to all. Besides coffee; soft drinks, water, oatmeal and GRITS.

Good Evening,

Was going to post but realized it would be near the end of the February pot thought some fresh coffee wouldn’t hurt.

Hope ALL you guys in the cold country, get a break from all the cold and snow. Even though the west made the National news with the rain storms. We have received 2 1/2 inches so far. I will only speak for myself, but the media is definitely playing this up in my opinion.

So hope this month brings a lot of warmer weather soon for everyone, take care and stay healthy ! .

Konbanwa and Ohayo Chuck,

I felt much better when I woke up this morning. The wife and youngest seem to be at 100% as well. I still took it easy today and did a crossword puzzle, some light reading, and Sunday school lesson preparation. The kids are watching The Croods now and I think some family time is on tonight’s agenda.

Although it has not been officially announced, it looks like we’re moving to Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, this summer. The family and I are extremely excited about the location. I’m sure I’ll be hitting up Chuck and Buckeye for train-related information once I settle in.

V8 – As Kev stated, thanks for re-posting BOC’s post. I saw he responded to Becky’s thread the other day as well. Hopefully we’ll see more of him on the forum.

Happy Birthday Mike C!


dbaker - The media certainly does make everything bigger than it is…Mr. Rose is good at that as well…[swg]

jonadel - Liked your rendition of the __Chief’s__box. He oughtta find an old Super Chief sign to mount outside his.

cheapclassics → [^] Any left? [dinner]

A bit warmer today. Its a whopping 0 degrees at the moment. I’m not sure if this means that March is coming in like a lion or like a lamb. I guess it depends on what part of the country you are in.

Oh and fife, you may be happy to know that none of my parts are blue today. [:$] [(-D].

Have a great Saturday.


Yea I know, but the long cold winter will be over soon.


Beware The Ides Of March.

The weather guessers are saying 7-9" of new snow tonight and a a high tomorrow of 0, wind chills of -20 to -40 for the state, YIKES! So much for going to the John Willims concert tomorrow.

Joe – I’ve really enjoyed your writing while you’ve been deployed to Japan. What a wonderful life experience for you and your family but I would wager that Ohio is going to look awfully good [:)]. Thanks again for your service [tup]

Good Morning from Blueberryhill…

Good Morning, Joe…Great to hear that you may be moving to Ohio. You will love it.

It is a cloudy 28 degrees. Going up to 40 today with cloudy skies.

Today is a busy day. Wife is grocery shopping due to the bad weather coming in on Monday. I am doing a few chores and then putting away groceries. Lunch and a nap, for sure.

Dining car had the usual for breakfast.

Y’all have a great Saturday.


Happy March all

Joe how are we going to deal with it all as you were our day in advance radar? Glad your coming back to the states it will be great for you all. You’ll be able to visit families again. I believe you all really enjoyed your time in Japan And glad you did so I’m sure it is a memory /will be a memory for your kids for ever.

Morning all calling for cloudy today and a high of 61 tomorrow suppose to get to 70 Have a good one all

Good morning all,

I was waiting up for the new thread to start, but decided to go to bed instead. Northwood Flyer, good to see you posting here. Joe, you will not be far from us either, and we are in the Dayton area from time to time. Perhaps we could meet when wife and I go to Mid-Ohio. Off to see grandson play. I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Good day from sunny south Florida! We expect to see 78 to 82 for a high today with an overnight low of 72. Have been away from the Coffee Pot for a little and need some. Anyway I have been trying to get by, lost my house last June to foreclosure, had a bankruptcy about two years before that, so now I am renting in West Palm Beach FL area. My layout has been down for a while and am planning to start another one in a year or so. I have bought a few things for the layout since I took it down, like some new engines and some new freight cars, and a new passenger car. Also sold a couple of things, a Williams Pennsy S-2 steam engine and a couple of Lionel passenger cars. Went to Pennsy over the summer and was at Strasburg PA in early August, and Roadside America a couple days later, even went to Hershey PA.

Phillyreading - [#welcome] back. Could use some West Palm Beach right about now…[ip]


If you had read my post it said, “Wayne Dalton is made in Ohio by the Amish in Holmes County.” I don’t see the word “owned” in my statement.

I have been around the Indiana, Ohio and NY Amish, they are all different. In NY, the Amish on the east side of the county were different than the west side.

In Ohio, the Mennonite and Amish seem to get along. The problem we had in Ohio was with a splinter Amish group that fled Holmes County, then returned, invaded an Amish home and proceeded to assault the men to cut off their beards. That group i

You know I would someday like to goto Ohio to compare the difference between the Amish in PA and Ohio I wonder if there is any. It would be interesting.

My parents were god friends with one Amish family even went to a farm auction with them as they wanted to buy the farm for there use which in the Amish community the church gives them the money and in return they give there present farm to the church for a new family. This was back in the mid 80’s it shocked my father when he pulled out a wad of cash ( from the church) and paid for it in cash and I believe it was over $200,000 but that’s how they work they pool there money for the better of the community.

Not much going on here today. Went to the store to buy some eggs got out of there after spending $50 but the had some good sales so in all it was worth it.

Now to relax for a while lol

D. Baker, you’re right! The media does hype these weather events. I think we have received between 3 and 4 inches up here near the foothills according to my poor man’s rain gauge. (empty vase on the patio). No mud or even muddy water down where I live. We had a real hard shower about 12:30PM. but it didn’t last long. All my drains seem to be working well outside.

Taking a crack at making a small pot roast today in a crock pot. Smells good so far. Should be ready for dinner tonight.

Haven’t heard anything about Nor Cal this week end. I only went there once. To far to drive for a train meet. 400 plus miles. Don’t need anything anyway.



Good Saturday afternoon all**!**

Took off from work today to catch up doing things around the house since it warmed up to the mid 30’s. Haven’t cleaned the garage since December. Also getting the snowblower ready for tomorrow night’s snow as we expect to get around 10".

Caught up reading the pot from the last week. Good to see most are doing well.

V8 & RaySP - You guys in the left coast, good luck and be careful with the rain and mud.

JoeD - Your moving around so much has many upsides for your family, probably some down as well. There’s always time to set your anchor down later so enjoy the ride and good luck.

HudsonJohn - I’ll see you later to pick up my box! [;)]

MikeC - Hope you had a nice birthday yesterday.

Traindood - ARoid was never one of my favorites ever since we learned what he did in Texas. I just hope our pitching staff holds up. Tanaka seems like he has a lot of pitches and has a cool temperament.

Fife - More royalty joining your kingdom? Nice!

Here’s an updated pic of my grandson Patrick who’s now 7 months.


Afternoon fellas and gals; Gettin’ ready for the big blow tomorrow. Hey Ray ; That’s a swell lookin’ grandson. Glad he didn’t have pinstripes on! My youngest grandson is 12 and he loves the pinstripes. Where have i failed? later.

Dont think you failed at all. This spring I’ll have to post a picture with his pinstripes on.

Good evening all,

Good day weather wise, bad day basketball wise. Grandson’s team got pounded 37 to 5. Good news is that grandson got 4of the 5 points. Not much else going on.

I hope everyone has a good day,

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Happy March! Yes it’s snowing again…

Hello there,

Haven’t posted much lately. Been kinda hectic here………and cold. I put in another ton of coal last weekend and I’ll bet better than 25% of it is gone. I feel for those paying $3.85 for heating oil. I saw on the TV news tonight now there is a shortage of wood pellets.

Son and I emptied the barn last evening. Trying to get ahead of the 8-12” predicted for Sunday night & Monday. It was a balmy 10 when I got in the house around 9 PM. Now it looks like the storm is taking a more southern route and they’ve reduced our total to 2-4”(bad news for Fife & 88. They’re gonna get the big hit)[:^)]

Mrs & I had a lazy day. We went to the RV show at the Blair County Convention Center. We are shopping for a new(to us) travel trailer. Slightly larger than our 19 foot one and with a bed you can get in to with out crawling on hands & knees. It’s hard on Mrs’ arthritis.

Think I’ll head to bed

Prayers for those in need