April 12th, 2006 was our 1st Year Anniversary on the Classic Trains Forum!

“Our” Place is now established and it’s time to update our opening post …

To get the most from this topic, whether you are a new “customer” or one who has been away for awhile, check out the pages that you’ve missed. You will see Summaries put together by Tom (Siberianmo) the Proprietor of “Our” Place … they should help you get through the conversations a bit quicker.

We’ve chosen the location for “Our” Place along with some adjustments to the outside … check 'em out. We’re trying to fit into the early to mid-1950’s … that “qualifies” us as “Classic” train kindsaguys …

(Click to enlarge)

The original first post: //retained just for “historical” purposes//

My interests are in railroads - real and model. Thanx to Kalmbach, we have these forums to ask questions, post responses, chat about this 'n that, and in general enjoy our hobby and interests.

So, how about joining me from time to time in “Our” Place - Where Classic Trains are the subject - those that are and some that should be.

As the “bar keep” in this place, all I ask is to keep the dialogue civil and try to stay on point - some of these threads have people popping in simply to run up their numbers - not welcome here!

C’mon in - all newcomers get a free drink on the

Looks like a good place to have a sandwich ,a beer and a little chat.

[#welcome] Chris! First drink on me … the back bar is loaded with whatever you may prefer, the keg has been recently tapped and the 'fridge is full of canned and bottled brew … Coffee’s hot too …

I see you are from one of my FAVORITE places in the world - Montreal. Really mean that. My Godfather was from that great city - don’t know precisely where - and my childhood (1940’s) memories of him are vivid to this day.

Additionally, we travel aboard VIA Rail’s “Ocean” at least once a year to Halfiax, where we have family and friends. So Montreal is the starting point and as far as I’m concerned - that Central Station is for sure a “Classic” in all aspects of the word. The train is too - as long as they run the Budd stainless steel equipment - wouldn’t give a copper cent for the Renaissance “Euro” cars …

Thanx for coming in - and no doubt we’ll be “talking”!

See ya![tup]


I’m not prepared to knock the new Via Renaissance cars until after I give them a chance. I too still like the Budd cars. At least Via fianlly purchased some new equipment even if it had been stored for awhile.
If this is to be about Classic trains than I shall mention my two favorites from the past the GN Empire Builder and Santa Fe Super Chief. I rode the new 1947 Empire Builders days after their inaugural the first of many trips on this and the subsequent Empire Builders up to and including Amtrak.

Hi Siberanmo thought I would come on over and see how things were going and it looks like you have a good start[^][:)][tup]

How about a hot tea while sit in the corner for awhile. I’ll look in from time to time and I think you will have some other vistors as well. GOOD LUCK


Hi Tom put me down for place #1 as well. Reminds me of a little restaurant along highway 11near Bracebridge.My favrorite “classics” are the Montreal & Southern Counties the NS&T and the CP electric lines in ontario. Back soon. Rob

Good Morning!

Things have been rather slow in this new place of ours - well it is new and a bit of time has to pass before it catches on. Appreciate those of you who took the time to drop a word or two … we’ve had quite a few people poke their heads in, look around, and leave … maybe when we draw a crowd, some of them will try again.

Couldn’t agree with you more - one should only voice an opinion when one has knowledge of the subject. Makes sense to me … I’ve traveled the “Ocean” aboard the “Euro” Renaissance cars. I’m obviously biased (for those who have read my thoughts on other threads) when it comes to the Budd stainless steal “beauties” still operating on VIA Rai’s “Canadian” - a remaining “classic” - and one day per week each way between Montreal and Halifax on the “Ocean.”

So, since the Renaissance stuff isn’t “classic” - yet, no need for me to expound on it other than to say, I really didn’t enjoy the trip as much as those taken aboard Budd’s fine stuff …

Feel free to tell us all about your experiences on “classic” trains - your submissions are indeed “classic” and many on this thread will undoubtedly enjoy them …

[#welcome]Thanx for stopping in and your first “one” is on me![tup]

(Oh yeah - you didn’t vote …)[;)]

QUOTE: bjdukertPosted: 12 Apr 2005, 19:22:23

Ok Siberianmo so that I will know for sure where to come when I stop the next time how about #1

Gotta go dentist appointment


Just stop for a quick cofee.
I’m curious: anybody could tell me about a trip he took on a Western Pacific branch line passenger train? What consist, cars , what engine pulled the train, where did he go, etc.
I’d like to model that on my layout.

I’ve just completed my entry into “wireless” computing … pretty “cool” stuff, but it has taken most of my evening to do it. Nevertheless, I can now take “Our Place” anywhere in my house that I want to go …

Looks like #1 is the leading contender … let’s let it run for one week, then close the vote.

My plan is to provide a “summary” each morning, when I open up the place. … perhaps as we see some more “customers,” there will even be some back 'n forth stuff … hope so!

Any HELP out there for Chris’ question (Western Pacific … see above) …

See ya in the AM![tup][;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)

Good Morning! Appears that the site has been “down” for a bit this AM … bet that had a lot of guys running in circles … as with that first cuppa Joe, some just have to have their “forum fix”![;)]

C’mon in and take advantage of our Grand Opening breakfast special … we specialize in light breakfasts - for the guy on the go. Check out the menu …

Okay - so what to talk about?

Regarding those two taverns that are up for a vote … the “Second Class Saloon” is a model kit by Grandt Line (300-5900). What is particularly interesting about it is that it’s a replica of Wyatt Erp’s tavern in Nome, Alaska. Really. After the famous lawman hung up his guns - and took up with a lady actress - he left Tombstone, Arizona in 1882, moving further west, establishing similar looking places in San Diego, California, Tonopah, Nevada and then Nome. I’ve been to two of the three places - missed Tonopah - and no, I never did see the tavern! Frequented several here and there, but none quite like Wyatt Erp’s place. Surely don’t remember anything like it in Nome back in 1959 …

Okay - so what’s “Classic” about this story? Heck - if this isn’t classic in the historical sense, then I just don’t know the definition. Trains? Here’s a stretch … they took the train westward![;)]

Some help PLEASE! Thanx for stopping by … coffee’s always hot![tup]


Good morning everyone. Do we have any CP electric line fans out there or traction fans would love to swap stories, though admittidly mine come from books and restoration work on our museum pieces.Anyone interested in the CP electrics however will be happy to hear that LE&N (Lake Erie and Northern) combine 797 is on her way back to opereational status.As I speak all her wiring been traced and the main switch units and resistor grids have been removed for restoration / rebuilding best guesstimate right now about $20,000 perhaps less and she’ll be up and running.Minor body resto has also been started (wood bodied car) Any one interested in finding out more about our museum or it’s collection check www.hcry.org We’re always looking for more willing and able volenteers. Rob

Hey Rob!

Thanx for popping in … we start serving lunch in about an hour from the time you sat on that stool … check out the menu - sandwiches are ample and made from only the freshest lunch meats in town. Cheeses are cut in the back room - need a mask back there, especially with the empty kegs, etc.! Would gag a healthy maggot, someone said one day. Still hungry?

Anyway, that site you mentioned is pretty interesting. What’s your connection with the museum? Sure don’t know why traction, if indeed it’s “classic”, cannot be included in our discussions … GO FOR IT!

Stick around![tup][;)]

Tom (Siberianmo)

Hi gang…sounds like my kinda folks, mind if I join you for a cold one and impart a couple of examples? The WP had branches? Being sarcastic of course, the Reno branch and the Loyington branch. Chris this one is for you:

WP ran an excursion in conjunction with the 50th anniversy of the Nevada Northern. The special operated from Oakland CA. to the NN interchange at Cobre NV. where passengers boarded a steam powered NN special. A-B-B-A F7s from the freight pool along with a Zepherette provided the power (The Zepherette was removed at Cobre and continued on to Salt Lake on its regular run, talk about efficient power movement). The second set of CZ equiptment was tapped to provide a source for the domes, diner, and lounges along with heavyweight equiptment from the D&RGW .

There were two seperate excursions using 4-6-0 # 94 and 2-8-2 #34 from San Jose to Stockton in the late 50s.

So ok. Are there any additional WP excursions I have missed?

Greetings from the coalfields. We have lots of small places around here for beer, etc. so your off to a good start—BTW - where’s the pool table? I know, behind all the mt kegs.

Look forward to seeing more in this section of the forum.

work safe

This sounds like a great place to enjoy a pastrami sandwich, onion rings, and a tall frosty root beer.We can reminisce about the days when we could go to Beaumont Hill and watch the Kaiser ore train with 3 U28Cs on the point,3 in the middle and 3more pushing just ahead of the caboose[:)].
I vote for #1[oX)].

Evening guys - welcome aboard and have “one” on me! That’s the “policy” in “Our Place” - first drink always on the “bar keep” so belly up and let’s talk!

[#welcome]Thanx for the input and I’m sure we’ll be hearing from Chris up in Montreal.
The only thing that you missed was voting! C’mon - #1 or #2?[tup][;)]

[#welcome] Appreciate the way you “talk” and the pool tables (two) are in storage - just waiting to move 'em into whichever establishment we decide on - #1 or #2 - c’mon and vote![tup][;)]

Some years ago - 1960-62, I us

Well I don’t generally eat lunch meat the dr frowns on that but what the hey once in a while won’t kill me much. Axctually this is the museum that the wife and I are card carrying members of. This year is it’s 51st season.Heather’s mom and dad have been members for 32 years and heathers been there since she could crawl.I’ve been a member for almost 4 years now.I’m on the operating crews I run the cars or conduct we also help out in the shops keeping things humming along.The museu was started to save two old ttc relics which were going to be scrapped and it’s snowballed from there. Close to 100 pieces of electric railway equipment and a few buses and non street car railway equipment as well. One big artifact we have is CN’s ex Grand trunk Rockwood station which we had moved to the museum in 1972. We have three cars barns and are working on raising the final funds for #4 which if you go to the museum site you can read up on. It will be called the Sir Adam Beck centre in honour of Ontario hydros first chairman who was also a major propnent of electric interurban systems and helped found several. A large portion of our operating and non operating fleet is TTC but we have equipment from the City of London(ontario) Hamilton, Guelph, Oshawa. as well as interurban equipment from the Montreal and

I’ll lend my experiences on Beaumont Hill, back not too long ago it was the place. It was where helpers were added or dropped in addition to a Intact water tank and helper wye until the yellow machine came along and razed and realigned.

This was grade that SP had to contend with out of West Colton on the Sunset Route with a single track rolling profile all the way to Indio, 10-15 units on a train were not uncommon, placed midtrain or on the rear or both in addition to the front set to tackle the 2%+ grades with the usual SP tradition of running the longest, heaviest trains possible on a tight schedule. The GE units reigned supreme on the Sunset route, U33Cs, U25Bs, U30Bs were all assigned this district. Spent many a hour on that hill back in the day… Well enough from me, time to refresh my coffee for the day ahead.

I’ll let Espeefoamer give you the word on the Kaiser operation.

say “bar keeper” I’m not sure this is such a nice place. You know what Yogi Berra use to say about certain establishments. " Must not be a good place. nobody goes there anymore more,because the place is always crowded." I’LL give it a try though as long as there’s no cover charge. Easter