PRR 4-4-2 in HO...

Has anyone made a Pennsy Atlantic E6 in HO scale? I have not been able to find one, even on e-bay. Thanks.

Bowser had one for awhile. They have since dropped the steam locomotive kit line. Sometimes they come up on Ebay but go for a premium.


Mantua also offered a Pennsy Atlantic as a Lindberg Special model during the red box era. Ran nice if I remember right. Mike

The E6 has been done in brass by Gem, Alco and Key. They occasionally show up on ebay and the Gem and Alco prices range from $225 to $350, but the Key versions run $700 to $900. These price estimates are taken from Dan Glasure’s Brass Model Trains Price and Data Guide, Vol. 2.


Are Key models fit to run or are they more for display? I want to get one.

I think Model die Casting made a kit back in the day…Pretty sure it was a Pennsy.

Most anything from Key Imports is “more” than fit to run, I’m sure there have been certain pieces that caused problems, 1st run Rio Grande 2-6-6-2’s come to mid. But as a general rule they are all very nice running engines mostly built by Samhongsa.


As I recall both the Bowser and MDC versions had some detail problems. An article in MR. Covered how to combine them into a.very detailed version. You might also search for a Kalmbach book Apex of the Atlantics by Fred Westing. Number 460 is in the collection at Strasburg PA and is famous as the Lindbergh special engine. The PRRTHS just donated $50000 to cosmetically restore it.

The Bowser/Penn Line model, still seen at swap meets, was accurately proportioned for the most part and had good running gear. Some of the details were crude – the tooling was circa 1950 or so. And Bowser tried to make its boiler/cab casting for its class H 2-8-0 do double duty (so did the Pennsy but with more variations than Bowser/Penn Line allowed for).

The Model Die Casting wasn’t an exact model of any PRR Atlantic, particularly the drivers/running gear, but was nice looking in its own way.

Do you have older issues of Model Railroader available? The September 1978 issue of MR has Ron Strachan’s article about combining the best aspects of the MDC and Bowser 4-4-2s (the article referred to above). It also reproduces a good scale drawing.

the August 1974 issue of MR has an article about bashing a Pennsy E3sd Atlantic.

Both articles probably call for parts that might be hard to get from Bowser if at all.

Dave Nelson

If you want Bowser parts, the sooner you call with your order the better. Two weeks ago, I was able to order a Cary boiler conversion for my Mantua General - but that was the last one Bowser had.

The Cary super detail kits are apparently still being re-run by Bowser as demand (back orders) build up. The MDC Shay super detail kit apparently has sufficient back orders that it will likely be re-run soon according to the very nice lady taking my order. Not so likely with the super detail kit for the Pittsburgh boiler - although I left the back order anyway.

just my experiences

Fred W

Penn Line made one in 1954. (they went out of business in 1963)

I just bought one today at an antique store.

There was one on ebay a few minutes ago for $50.

I might have found the MDC kit. Check your PM for the on line company. I have been watching and wondering about this kit for a couple years but decided it did not suit my railroad.


I remember the MR article on the combination

Essentially, Bowser had the running gear right and MDC the boiler

I think the Bowser E6 used the Consolidation boiler/cab instead of a new boiler for the Atlantic.

As I recall, the sand and steam domes are different between the locos
