Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats

Well, lets get it going here. A fresh pot. Have a good one.

Link to Pot #5

Raining here, like cats and dogs - watch out for the poodles…[(-D]

Tried to ride the Harley yesterday and of course, it wouldn’t start…and I had an appointment to trade it in. Had it towed to HD again and Walter, the tow guy, remembered where I live…go figure. I went to the shop and they couldn’t start it either…so now I don’t look like an a$$…[banghead].

Looking like I’m disgusted with the current layout, I’m thinking it’s time for a redo…just need time…

Gonna put a bunch of Fastrack on either the 'bay or choochoo, not sure which yet…too early.

Work frought with issues and of course in the rain, I’m already soaked…time for a cup o’joe

see ya inna bit

Just sat down with my second cup … was looking through a case of my diecast cars I packed away a long time ago … Lo and behold I found a 180 watt lionel brick I forgot I bought ! I packed it away by mistake with the cars .

WHAT !! Double posted and I did’nt do it twice ! This is edited double … lord what a way to start the pot …

Good Morning and April Fools…

Laz - I’ll forgive for not knowing…Bobby Mercer passed away late last year of Brain Cancer, so, it wasn’t him.

This guy is a hedge fund administrator in Manhatten.

I just sold all may trains on ebay for $50 and chopped up my layout and set it on fire, while dancing around it…

Yup APRIL FOOLS…,but I may just set on fire my HARLEY[banghead][banghead]

Walked out the office door at lunch with nowhere in particular to go - ended up blocks away at a good used bookstore - how good? It has one entire wall of books about British railways. Picked up Engines of the Bluebell Railway for $6.60 So I’m happy for the rest of the day.

Rich, I wonder what’s wrong with that Harley - what a saga.

I missed 3 days on the Pot and…Hamlet. Expert but dangerous marital advice. The romantic use of shaving cream vs.whipped cream. Motorcycle arson. Skunks. "Who trashed my (car, lawn mower, fill in the blank)?, floods, drought, grandsons wreaking havoc on selves and others. Just read about a dozen back pages and can’t keep up.

Re the skunks…when I was dating my wife, she came over to my house for a quiet romantic evening of steaks on the grill and wine. It was a beautiful clear and warm evening, so we decided to sit on the front steps and enjoy the stars. Then she said “Oh, look, what a pretty cat.” as a skunk walked right by us, not 3 feet away. In Fife fashion, I told her to freeze. Didn’t want us to spend the rest of the evening in the shower, though the thought had occured to me. [:-^]

**Jon…**at 3 my son ate thumbtacks. Phoned Doc. Doc advised waiting 3 days, felt they would pass, advised we watch for ill effects in the meantime, then x-ray. Wife would have none of that. Marched the kid off to the hospital. Demanded x-rays be performed…Doc strolls in. “Yup, 3 thumbtacks. Now go home and do what I told you in the first place, and bring the boy back in 3 days for another set of x-rays.” Grandma gets into the act to stay over and monitor, starts sifting through every load for 3 days. Tells daughter/my wife nothing has passed. Now both are frantic. Off to the Doc for the second set of x-rays. Thumbtacks are gone! How can that be? I remarked they must have been taken by the thumbtack fairy. Wife and MIL highly incensed, but the Doc got a good chuckle out of it.

**Chief…**glad grandson Carter is ok from hi

  1. I see Bergie does not look at the Threads on CTT. Locked the #5 Pot and said someone start a new one. A new one [#6] had alrady been started. [started from Town Hall so did not have his or Bob’s email in thsi computer]

  2. Some slimey lower than a snake’s belly sliped in and graded the Pot down.

Meetings over but a lot of Town Hall “stuff” to do. Need to be on tractor and bottomplow breaking up the garden as it is not raining yet. Just sprinkled a little this AM and then dried up. Doing Town “stuff” instead of my “stuff”. [banghead]

Jack, don’t know what happened unless I made a mistake somewhere. To set the record straight, I was born in Oct.,1936. That makes me 72 years old now. I was married at age 23 in November 1959. That makes this year (2009) our 50th wedding anniversary. Ten years old is a little young even for the South. I think I was still scared of girls at that point.


Is this some “out of the closet” statement for yuz giz??? [:O]

I could not resist. [(-D]


Did you get the antivirus/spyware issue resolved?


As long as I can find parts, the Probe isn’t going anywhere.[:)] I wouldn’t sell it for anything. I am thinking of contacting the original owner to see if she still has any paperwork or the brochure. BTW, I had an encounter with a Doberman at a salvage yard one time. I was looking through a Probe SE when I heard a loud bark. I didn’t want to waste time looking to see where it came from, so I jumped onto the hood. It turns out that the dog was chained up on the other side of the fence that the car was against. That was a relief.

Chuck…I heard from a good source that the President has told GM to get Chevy out of NASCAR since the feds are loaning them $$$$. Have you heard anything? I was shocked!!!

Glad to see the Chief put on a new pot of coffee.

See you later. Too busy to write much today.

Jack, I do think I could stop reading the Coffee Pot daily. Your posts are so complete. [tup]

As to the gray hair, I don’t know about you, but “touch up” for me wouldn’t even come close. “Start over” would be more like it, or shave it off as you suggest! [(-D]


Gee, it’s funny how he has time to screw up run GM and the United States at the same time. Amazing time ~~mis-~~management.

Well, then it’ll be a Toyota & Ford show at this rate. Mental note: don’t bother with watching NASCAR if GM & Mopar leave…[banghead][banghead]

RockIlasd52 -

**OleTimer…**re the Yankees winning it all this year. Dream on, they don’t have the pitching.

You sound like my Red Sox fan son … [zzz]

ChiefEagles -

Is this some “out of the closet” statement for yuz giz???

Did you mean yuz girlz ??? Guess we’ll have to keep a better eye out for more of those pink lionel girl’s trains on some

layouts … [:X] Huh - Chief ?

Patrick … I’ll take some of that hair on a couple bare spots on my head … I don’t care what color it is . Man is it getting thinner by the day … [|(]

Afternoon Y’all! I see we are on another pot…??? Someday I’ll understand, but what do I know, my system at home is still down, so I am not the computor guy. I used to know a fair bit back in the days of Basic and Fortran, but have not kept up. Still looking for the place to load the stack of cards.

Buckeye, I had heard something about his highness dictating how a private corporation should function. Bad thing when the government takes over industry. As Ronald Reagan said " the scariest words in history are ‘I am from the government, and I am here to help’".

A few cases to finish up, but tomorrow I’ll be paying for it as it will be quite busy. Did want to mention that I feel blessed for a lot of things. Coming here to associate with such a diverse crowd of fine people is amoung them. In case it hasn’t been said, I appreciate all of you…THanks,


Hopefully just one of the thousands of ideas this Adm. insists on running up the flag pole. Fortunately, most ideas are not saluted…we keep cutting down the flag pole.[tdn]

I agree, no GM or less, no NASCAR. Can you imagine a race with only ONE make car, all 100% alike, and a foreign one at that! [zzz]


I don’t even want to comment on the feds screwing nascar up … I’ll get into trouble . Son just called from our local library … got me 2 dvd’s … one of my favorite engines - 2-6-6-6 alleghaney making a trip across the USA from the pacific to the atlantic and another on toy train collecting . Will be getting the old burner fired up tonight … he said they have a slew of them … now to renew my library card … [:D]

We are falling head first into socialism. When the goverment starts taking over private business.