Post your sightings of Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt, and Rio Grande locomotives here. SP, SSW, and DRGW fans be sure to bookmark this.
On 07/25/2005 I saw SP 8594 and SP 8681.
Post your sightings of Southern Pacific, Cotton Belt, and Rio Grande locomotives here. SP, SSW, and DRGW fans be sure to bookmark this.
On 07/25/2005 I saw SP 8594 and SP 8681.
I saw you had no replies for this so I decided to reply. Nope I live up in the North East. None of those railroads around here. But if you see any CP Rail loco’s, tell me, that’s my hometown RR.
From, The name might be Fred
P.S. Can you reply to my latest forum, since nobody has. Thanks!
See my web site for DRGW under UTah
SPRR at Gibbon NE live in person. On the Rochelle webcam nearly every day. At Ogden UT in May 2005 also on my web site. Probably next month again when I visit Nevada, California & Utah [:o)][:p][:D]
Originally posted by ericsp
Considering these 3 railroad companies went out of service, they’ll probably be spotted with UP or a leased company or something like that. Also, considering I live in Ohio, I don’t see SP to often. DRGW is spotted alot with Wheeling & Lake Erie here in Ohio. SSW (Cotton Belt) locos are no more as they are spotted in HLCX’s fleet. Sorry.
Saw two unpatched DRGW’s about two weeks ago putting through Denver here, #3100 & #3129.
I didn’t catch the numbers but on saturday in W. Palm Springs I saw 3 SP SD40M-2s (SD45 bodies) heading for W. Colton. Only the numbers on the cab were patched. I also saw another SD40M-2 in a westbound stack train with 4 UP units.[8D]
I’ve been keeping an eye out, just as soon as I see one I’ll post it on this thread.
spbed was right. I see espee loco’s every time I’m at Rochelle and a D&RGW about every other time. Will try to photograph or take numbers.
Please forgive me my ignorance of vintage diesel (who am I kidding – of MOST diesels, still [;]), but the espees I’ve seen there have a distinct “anvil” quality in the perpendicular arrangement of their (one per side) exhaust fans. I don’t think it’s a Jeep 38, but what would it be? It’s definitely older, smaller and differently configured than Uncle Pete’s latest showboats.
This is probably a stupid guess, but I’d say a GP40X? Maybe?[X-)]
Unless UP brought back a SP GP40X or two, there are no more SP GP40X.
The only four axle SP locomotive around are GP38-2 (although they may all be patched by now), GP40-2, and GP60.
When you say “have a distinct “anvil” quality in the perpendicular arrangement of their (one per side) exhaust fan” are you refering to the dynamic brake housing? If so, maybe it was a GP60. Remember, just because a SP unit looks old does not mean it is old.
I saw SP 8594 (again) and SP 8632 today.
Eric, the anvil was my way of describing the perpendicular, 90-degree quality that the exhaust fans make sticking out from the narrower engine body. While we’re on the subject, are you in good with the Man Upstairs? Because shortly after I put my first post here, I reached for a cigar and from beneath the box fluttered a photo of a (July 4, Rochelle) espee loco that demostrates the principle very well. This is especially true because the (then) front end, along with said metaphorical anvil, are in espee red. This is the only loco hauling what appears to be an empty unit train, which would be pretty weird because it’s EMPTY and heading EAST toward Northeastern Illinois and Chicago!
Another (slight) weirdity is that the loco is being operated cab-backward, so to speak, so I get a great view of “catfish whisker” guardrails on the front – they and the ones on the side are of a light metal, unlike the struts underneath the ones on the side, which look black. The drawback is that serial no. is not to be seen.
If you’d like to e-mail me at, I’ll be happy to “snail mail” you the photo in question. Sorry, but I haven’t gone digital yet.
Allen Smalling
SP 100 Class C44AC’s are a daily sight on the Moffat Tunnel route hauling coal out of Routt County and Paonia/Hotchkiss
I do not recall hearing of a locomotive with exhaust fans. Your description sounds like the dynamic brake housing of a GP60. The exhaust “stack” is by the dynamic brake cooling fan. Here is a photograph of SP 9717 and a photograph of the top of SP 9601 with the older design of dynamic brake housing.
QUOTE: Originally posted by mudchicken
SP 100 Class C44AC’s are a daily sight on the Moffat Tunnel route hauling coal out of Routt County and Paonia/Hotchkiss
I hear that they are common on coal trains. If UP would swap some of the UP painted AC power for its grain trains for those SP AC4400CWs I could see more. Occasionally one of those SP units will come through here on a grain train.
QUOTE: Originally posted by smalling_60626
Eric, the anvil was my way of describing the perpendicular, 90-degree quality that the exhaust fans make sticking out from the narrower engine body. While we’re on the subject, are you in good with the Man Upstairs? Because shortly after I put my first post here, I reached for a cigar and from beneath the box fluttered a photo of a (July 4, Rochelle) espee loco that demostrates the principle very well. This is especially true because the (then) front end, along with said metaphorical anvil, are in espee red. This is the only loco hauling what appears to be an empty unit train, which would be pretty weird because it’s EMPTY and heading EAST toward Northeastern Illinois and Chicago!
Another (slight) weirdity is that the loco is being operated cab-backward, so to speak, so I get a great view of “catfish whisker” guardrails on the front – they and the ones on the side are of a light metal, unlike the struts underneath the ones on the side, which look black. The drawback is that serial no. is not to be seen.If you’d like to e-mail me at, I’ll be happy to “snail mail” you the photo in question. Sorry, but I haven’t gone digital yet.
Allen Smalling
It sounds to me like your refering to the flared radiators on an SD45 body. This was a feature on SD45 models. A true SD45 is a rarity these days but Morison Knudson rebuilt a bunch of them into SD40M-2s for SP. The SD45s originaly had 20 cylinder engines and to get the needed extra cooling capacity they “flaired” the radiators. Is this what you are talking about?
I saw SP 8594, SP 8621, and SP 8632 today. The SP 8621 was on the QFRNPP, so anyone in the Roseville area should keep an eye out for it. It appears that UP still changes the locomotives on the QFRNPP at Roseville, so I doubt it will go any further than Roseville.
I have seen a lot of SP units up at New Brighton Minnesota on coal trains. All of the SP units ive seen have been un patched.
Alec I hear that’s still in Springfield.
Still assigned to the local, saw it go by today.
TEBU at NRC in Mount Vernon, IL.
A few weeks ago.
Back in April, hear it’s still around.
Saw it in St. Louis a few weeks back.
Heard it’s stil around.
Saw it in May. Gone from that local now, not sure where it is…UP 189 is in Camden, AR for 17 weeks.
All I got, if I see another one, I’ll post.
I saw SP 8632 again today.