SP, SSW, & DRGW Locomotive Sightings


I keep looking out the window hoping to see some Espee power go by the house. But still haven’t caught a one, patched or unpatched. I was thinking maybe would see one slip by on the Fresno-North Platt manifests, but nothing.


Look up the new webcam posted by Chad they have a SPRR switcher working the yard. [:o)][:p][:)]

Originally posted by ericsp

I saw SP 8621 and SP 8632 on 08/03/2005.

Got a phone call from a friend of mine today reporting that Union Pacific’s Lovelock Local, operating out of Sparks, NV on UP’s “Overland Route,” Mon, Wed and Fri to Lovelock, NV with overnight at Fallon, NV and return to Sparks Tue, Thu, and Sat has unpatched SSW 7647 as one of its two locomotives.

Now that’s a run-on sentence![:D][:D][:D][:D]

Then I’ll expect you to be out there with your camera…Right…hu…hu…[swg]

i saw a up grain train in wichita kansas last week with a dash 9 sp
then today i saw an extremly faded ssw gp40

I saw SP 8632 today. I also saw GECX 7336, which is ex- SP 7336 and except for GECX between the number and the cab window looks like it could still be a SP locomotive. By the way Jim, I think that train that is was on was the 2QFRNP-04, and it is the lead unit. It is followed by a CN SD50F and a UP SD70M. Its paint job is still in good condition.

Yes, a week to get over the radiation treatments, and I’ll be chasing them like a stray dog chases a pickup truck![:D][:D][:D]

And I’ve got a new railfan chase hat that came in the mail yesterday



If it was not patched, it was probably an AC4400CW. It seems like all of SP’s 9-44CWs have been patched or repainted.

Seen today going past the house at Lawton, NV (MP236) on an eastbound empty unit coal train was patched AC4400CW UP 6329. Empty coal trains haven’t been regular on the Donner line since UP started running things. The regular coal movements were moved to the Las Vegas line, me thinks.


Yes, The Trona coal trains were re-routed to the LA&SL line to Barstow then track rights to Mojave. A couple years ago I came close to taking a cab ride from Yermo to Mojave on one of these coal trains. But I also had a chance to run over Tehachappi on an intermodial. I chose the later, no regrets.[8D]

Some SSW units went to be leased units however, there are a number of SSW units still running on UP. I have seen some just this last week. [:p]

And as far as I know all of the SSW GP60s are still on the UP.(in UP paint)

I forgot to mention that I saw SP 8632 yesterday.

I saw SP 8594 and SP 8621 on Saturday. I also saw SP 8632 on the train to Roseville on Thursday.

I think I saw a snoot the other day and just didn’t know what it was. [B)]

The nose was noticeably longer than normal. [:o)]

It was a lessor unit, don’t remember which owner though. It had a new paint job with a bright red nose. [:o)] I think the rest of the loco was black.

I saw SP 8594 again today.

I saw AC4400 139 today with two UP GEs pulling a double stack train. The only thing yellow on it was the AC unit.

Nope I live in the midatlantic but D&RG had in my opinion the greatest paint scheme on a locomotive. All I get to see is Black with Pearls (NS).

I saw SP 8584 on 09/07/05.