I have finally figured out where to fit more track! I am building a flyover, crossing H0, N and S gauge tracks. The grade requires Magnetraction, or at least traction tires.
NICE, that look like a lot of fun, please post more picks are you progress.
Love the method to your madness! With all that action going on a viewers eyes can’t stay focused on any one area, it’ll make the layout look larger than it really is.
Very cool!
There is a lot of flyover construction that has occurred in the Chicago area in recent years, but I have never thought of it on a layout. I really like what you have done.
Awesome! I love the combination of scales, its so fun! Nice work!
Thanks everyone!
This is just my way of roughing in the track plan to see if it works. It does, now I have to buy the materials and build it for real. The new tracks will come up and over the N and S tracks in the foreground.
vary nice like the picks , please keep posting.
Making progress, little by little…
The new loop will be for Magnetraction equipped engines only. Running full throttle to make the hill!
nice looking good!
This looks so much like what my childhood dream room would look like, its so much fun! Awesome awesome awesome!
Whoa, somebody has been busy!
every couple of years, I get a little bored with my setup, and do a major rebuild/construction project. It gets more difficult each time, building over existing tracks, and trying to not break anything…
This layout is all about running trains. Lots of them !
I can imagine. When I built my current layout, I boxed up all of my locomotives and rolling stock in their original boxes and built a temporary 4 x 8 table to hold all of the structures.
NICE love the 313
This is by no means being critical, but I love the terminology…that looks like a “Can o Worms”!
Keep up the great work and keep them trains running!
Thanks to all! The reason behind this is that this is a spare bedroom. 11x11. The layout has a footprint of 8.5 x 8.5, so this is why I went vertical! Here’s today’s work:
I don’t know what I like better - the layout or the photos.
Those photos are exceptional, content and appearance.
Thanks, Rich. This is how I keep things fresh, and interesting. I love a good project!