While building my first layout I’ve been eyeing all that empty space under my layout. Well, it’s not exactly empty at present, being cluttered up with all the stuff needed to build the layout. But one day it’s going to be a whole lot cleaner under there and I’m already thinking of ways to utilize it for storage of MRR related things. I’ve thought about hitting the flea markets, maybe Goodwill stores etc., looking for old things like chest of drawers, low cabinets and the like that will fit under there with all kinds of drawers, both shallow and deep, that’ll help keep things in order, nice and neat.
Although my layout isn’t built yet, I plan to use the space under my layout for lots of storage. I just need a small area set aside for the access hole. I don’t want to be isolated from my trains!
I haven’t started to build my under layout storage yet, but I plan on having cabinets on casters so if a need arises to work under the layout, I can roll the cabinet out of the way for access. In my yard area, I plan on building wide shallow drawers to hold rolling stock for easier swap out during or between operating sessions.
I picked up a slightly bent 2 draw filing cabinet and built it in under the layout to file all the tech manuals and other information one accumulates. Some may even be shocked to know that I have filed my Digitrax manuals there as I find I rarely have to refer to them! [}:)] (Devilish sarcasm aimed at no one in particular) I also keep all my structure kit instructions, decoder references and a library of reference articles.
In another area of the layout I have built some cupboards to store locomotives and boxes.
My layout is designed to be quite low so the kids can reach things so I don’t have a lot of space below.
Storage. I keep non train stuff in those big plastic tubs with lids. I put a curtain on the front to hide all of it. That not a bad idea to look for an old chest of drawers to keep my train stuff in.
This raises another question. How much space are we talking about, i.e. how high is the space underneath? The experts say the layout should sit at eye height, but mine is currently closer to “counter-top”. I was thinking of raising it and putting a desk underneath. How much space do you have?
It took me about a week, but I got hold of some 1" x 4" , some cheap 1/2" particle board plywood and built shelves under my benchwork. After priming and painting it all, it turned out great and now I have storage for all that railroad stuff that usuually ends up on the floor under the layout anyway in boxes. It sure makes things easier when the train room is organized.
My own hobby shop. Actually storage for the train. Unbuilt kits, scenery supplies, empty boxes. I’ve put in modular shelving and plastic storage containers, the drawer type. I also have bookcases under one yard which hold the MRR’s and also support the yard.
Plenty of uses for space.
Chris, I have 38.5 inches from floor to bottom of benchwork, so it isn’t all that high… sounds to be about like yours. So far there’ve been some very good ideas in this thread and I hope there’ll be more.
Since you have 38.5" of space, you could look into purchasing pre-built kitchen cabinets at one of the big box stores…without a countertop, they will be 34.5" tall. That would allow you to add casters to the bottom of the cabinet for mobility. The cabinets can be equipped with a drawer on top and doors below, or even a stack of drawers if you prefer. Just an idea.
Yes as bad as they look, I bought drawer slide at the local hardware store, and built two really bad drawers to hold alot of my scratchbuilding supplies and small tools, that way the bench isn’t too cluttered, The work bench underneath is on rollers, when I need it, I just pull it out. It’s convienient because it’s near the layout. I have a larger workbench outside the room , wilh my Lathe and drill press/mill, and spray area.