I am hering where i live railroad enthu are talking about that NorfolkSouthern will bring conrail back & this is a rumor. Some railroad buff’s say that a new railroad that is (QCRSYST) or Quality Conrail System that i have not herad of railroad be for? That will retake former conrail lines from Buffalo to Elkart, Buffalo to Syracuse Chicago main line.
I think you will see a Antarctic transcon built before that happens.
And welcome to the forum.
Is there a translator in the house???
For those of you that can’t understand, this is my interpretation.
Where I live, Railroad enthusiasts are saying that the Norfolk Southern Railroad will bring back Conrail. This is just a rumor.
Some railroad buffs say that a new railroad named QCRSYST, or Quality Conrail System. (I haven’t heard of this railroad before) This railroad will use former CR lines from Buffalo to Elkart, Buffalo to Syracuse and the Chicago main line.
Oh now I understand. Still isn’t going to happen though. CSX is not going bankrupt any time soon. Oh by the way, Conrail Quality was a slogan put on the sides of some engines.
Donde vivo, los entusiastas del ferrocarril están diciendo que el ferrocarril meridional de Norfolk traerá detrás Conrail. Esto es justo una rumor. Algunas pieles de ante del ferrocarril dicen que un ferrocarril nuevo nombró a QCRSYST, o sistema de Conrail de la calidad. (no he oído hablar de este ferrocarril antes) este ferrocarril utilizará líneas anteriores del CR del búfalo a Elkart, del búfalo a Syracuse y de la línea principal de Chicago.
one word NO!! then it would be a waste for NS to repaint Conrails back to CR Blue then perhaps bring the marker lights please they are not going to do that and CSX is not going out of business.
Sorry for the missed spelling here is the new rewritten one!!!
Where i live, railroad enthusiasts are saying that Norfolk Southern will bring back Conrail. This is just a BIG RUMOR!! Some railroad Buff say that a new railroad named QCRSYS, or Quality Conrail System. (I haven’t heard of this railroad before) This railroad will use the former CR lines from Buffalo to Elkart, Buffalo to Syracuse and the Chicago main line.
Sorry for the missed spelling here is the new rewritten one!!!
Where i live, railroad enthusiasts are saying that Norfolk Southern will bring back Conrail. This is just a BIG RUMOR!! Some railroad Buff say that a new railroad named QCRSYS, or Quality Conrail System. (I haven’t heard of this railroad before) This railroad will use the former CR lines from Buffalo to Elkart, Buffalo to Syracuse and the Chicago main line.
¡Apesadumbrado para el deletreo faltado aquí está reescrito el nuevo!!!
Donde vivo, los entusiastas del ferrocarril están diciendo que la voluntad meridional de Norfolk trae detrás Conrail. ¡Esto es justo una RUMOR GRANDE!! Una cierta opinión de la piel de ante del ferrocarril que un ferrocarril nuevo nombró a QCRSYS, o sistema de Conrail de la calidad. (no he oído hablar de este ferrocarril antes) este ferrocarril utilizará las líneas anteriores del CR del búfalo a Elkart, del búfalo a Syracuse y de la línea principal de Chicago.
In a word – NO. CSX is not going to go flanges up. And, if NS is going to do anything, it would absorbe CSX rather than spin off a new CONRAIL And NS is not going to absorbe CSX.
Be that clear and understandable?
Conrail Quality died with the split up.
NS owns it’s 58% of Conrail and CSX owns it’s 42% of Conrail and I doubt that they will undo what they worked so hard to achieve back in 1996/1997. Conrail was at the top of the list of being one of the best railroads ever to exist but it simply will not come back in any shape or form. In 2004 NYC LLC and PRR LLC were also finally transferred to their owners CSX and NS. This was another step in finalizing the Conrail transaction. Conrail getting split was part of it’s success and D.R. Goode got everything back in order and in excellent shape at NS before he retired so I seriously doubt that NS will do something this risky and try to recreate Conrail.
Taco Bell!
( I would have responded in Spanish, but I can’t find my Spanish keyboard.)
IF NS were to aquire CSX(Part conrail) they should make them those purddy’ black locomotives NS has. I’m sure a railroad could get large quantitys of black paint from a company at whole sale prices.
If not, theres new tax on shipping black paint on the NS system. You lose a car and its blamed on a computer error on your end. [;)]
All together I would say that NS would probably be happier staying as they are presently. However only a fool says that change does not occur. KCS comes to mind rather quickly as a prelude to the final round of rail mergers. The question is weather BNSF or NS will take them over in the entirety, buy and split up the best of it or form a Clinchfield type operating company (joint venture). Any news from those parts???
ns likes running those trains on the former nyc water level route.the track is kept very good condition.
stay safe
The thread title, I’ve seen not even the slightest hint that indicates that CSX is in any kind of dire trouble. Even if CSX were, why should NS form another railroad? In reality, if any railroad felt itself in trouble what you’d hear first are rumors of merger talks with other railroads.
Ugh! What a clunky name, one that only a railroad enthusiast could love. QCRSYS hardly rolls right off the tongue.
My take on the above quote…You have been eating or smoking too much chilli!
Thanks, Murry…was begining to wonder what he said…
I take alot of you dont relaize that Conrail is still an operating railroad on a small stretch of track that NS and CSX could not decide on who got it.