2008 [PART 2] and the Coffee Pot is still on and now 4 years old. Here we gather as friends with trains. Sweet ice tea too.

This thread was created in Savannah GA on April 1 while I was working a Bass Pro Shops event that weekend. The suggestion of a continous thread was made by Big Boy [Elliot Feinberg]. So, here it is 4 years later. Main posters for the CTT forum then were Buckeye, Tom Pescha [Spankybird], Big Boy and myself. Since then lots of folks [ladies and gents] have joined us. Some left [a few we were glad they left, others we’re sad] and lots are still around. All in friendship. I lift my cup to all and God bless all. 4 and going strong. [:D]

Well, we’re in for a white Easter here - this is the view out of the CTT offices as of a few minutes ago …

Chief…Hasn’t the Coffee Pot now been running for four years?

Good morning from Beautiful Ohio where I just returned from my colonoscopy. They told me my tonsils looked good. [%-)]

Bob…Your photo took me completely by surprise. I always assumed that your offices were in an old delapated wharehouse building down by the docks or tracks. BTW, where is the Garden RR outside your window?

April 1 will be 4 years. Remind me and I can edit title.

<makes a mad dash to the stools to get the cushy one before Fife!>

Brutus - no grits for me sir! Just having some fun. [;)] But I really do need to get my head examined… I’m forgetting way too much as of late… now who are you and why am I talking to you? [%-)] And who is that goofy looking fella behind the bar with that funny accent? [;)]

Chief - Why are you asking Buckeye to remind you of something? Isn’t he older than you? [;)] With your luck he’ll remember this in 3 months and then chide you for not fixing it sooner! [(-D]

Beautiful, cold, sunny day in downtown, rural Ohio.

Buckeye…I hope you never have, to have, your tonsils taken out.

Here we go on, our new chapter, of daily events.

Oh man that snow is headed this way. But I am north of Detroit and hoping most will stay south of here. And since I’m in mich. Ohio would be a good place for it to stay. sorry ohio guys.

We’re in an office park - the view out my window is a senior living community that was built after KPC was constructed in '89. The idea is to stay long enough to moving in over there and walk to work …

Let it snow in Snohio - none for me, thanks! Snowing in Chicago too? St. Louis gets weather patterns off the river from down around Mr. Wimberly I guess? Kurt, I’ll take one of those brownies if any are left!

Good afternoon all,

It is currently partly cloudy in SE Indiana with temps in the 40s. I had to take the minivan to the shop this morning to have some work done. Hopefully it will get finished today. I watched “Deal or No Deal”, “Lost” and “Eli Stone” last night as I had today off. I also did weights at the YMCA. Really starting to notice a difference. Bob, I have seen the view from your set of offices up there. It is a nice area of town and real close to the Interstate. It seems like you have really been socked with snow this year.

I had the usual fare for breakfast this morning, just a little later than normal. I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

Getting closer to 1,000 posts!


Brutus: You’re welcome to the brownie! It’s not here though…I forget whose house it’s at…wait…what day is it? Where am I??? Who are you? delerium. Scottie. Scottie??? Hal?


Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you’d like to hear it I can sing it for you.


Good plan similar to mine. Our office park is next to the cemetery with the undertaker across the street.

BTW, enjoyed the article about Legacy. It is a matter of time until the Baltimore, Ohio and Wasbash Railroad - The Only Passenger Rail Service in Central Ohio, operations vice president authorizes the purchase. [:)]

Howdy all from Virginia! Beautiful day down here - will hopefully be headed home to NJ later this evening.

Hey, did they find Jimmy Hoffa up there?

Afternoon All !

Finally, getting back around. Been down for the past week with some silly virus or something. Sure, knocked the wind out of my sails!!

Lots of stuff gone down in one week, new pot, unfortunately lots of bad weather, mostly good individual reports though. (Hope John’s Dr. visits go well this next week.) Not to sure about Buckeye and Fife though, Buckeye looking for a job next to a cemetary, and Fife still having Tiddy Whitey issues ?!?!?!?

Been following wifes instructions, stay home from work, rest, drink plenty of fluids, and IF I feel up to it try to do some “Train Therapy” so off to the train room. [|)]

Hey. Hey! Getcher butt up…!

Was “cold” in the house this morning, 66. Left the AC set at 72 last night and the temperature dropped into the low 50’s or high 40’s. The spa sure was nice after Maundy Thursday service though. Went to noon Good Friday service today, came home and mowed the weeds in the front yard, ran the edgers along about 1/3 of the driveway. Decided to quit and have a cold brewski-yum yum!!!

May try to get NYC GP-7 fired up tonight and see what LEGACY really can do. Have a letter typed and ready to send to Jerry Calabrese (Lionel Pres & CEO) fussing about the dummy GP-7. If you haven’t bought any of the new GP-7’s and are thinking of buying the pair, read the description of the dummy unit VERY CAREFULLY!

Have a blessed Easter or Passover.

Mel Hazen; Jax, FL

What’s up with the dummy units?

Good afternoon everyone,

A very boring day here so far. I’m having people over to watch some of the games tonight.

Mel, I see what is wrong.

Brent, there are no electrocouplers on it, but every other dummy unit has electrocouplers. That is very weird.

Another drive by posting…


Got my company car for the weekend, a lovely PT Cruiser drop top. Hey, It’s TOPLESS and I don’t pay for gas…Up to 77 this afternoon. Bob, anytime youse guyz wanna drop down here…[:-^] we have just as many retiremen****oops, Active Adult Communities as Wisconsin does, ya know[:-^]

In case I miss everyone, have a Happy Easter…Mel; Passover is next month…yeah, I thought it was this week also[sigh]

See ya all later…going to the LHS 2morrow for a leeetle work time…[swg], then cooking Easter Dinner on Sunday…should be fun