ironhorseman: Can you try to use the Report Abuse function, on your post or mine, to describe what is and isn’t working for you? I’m trying to pass your message onto to someone who can help.
Note to other posters: There was a thread earlier by ironhorseman, where he seemed to be laughing about an Amtrak/truck collision. It appears to me, that he is experiencing a temporary technical difficulty, and his intentions were probably misunderstood.
I’m not an admin, so pardon me for butting in… I wonder if you just upgraded your browser to IE-9 and need to put your viewing of this website in what is called “Compatibility Mode”?
Assuming it to be so, and assuming you are having the problem of your missives being deleted when you try to post, I will offer a quick outline of how to get Compatibility Mode enabled and then sit back and see if you get it fixed.
Look near the top of the Internet Explorer under the window title bar and hopefully you will see three icon/buttons… One is a red “X” (clicking it Stops a page in mid load), to the LEFT of that is another one that has two arrows (kind of curved, one up and one down, used to Refresh a displayed page) and to the LEFT of that one SHOULD be one that is of interest here. It is supposed to look like a torn piece of paper, but I think it looks like two mountain ranges. If you click it the page should refresh and put the whole website (Trains dot com) in Compatibility Mode on your computer. The icon will turn ever so slightly more GREEN in color (may be hard to see the color change, it is for ME! and sometime have to click it a couple of times, enableing and disableing Compatibility Mode, to determine in which mode the web site is being displayed).
Another method of enabling Compatibility Mode is to press the “Alt” key on the keyboard to cause the standard Window Menu to appear and an entry there is “Tools”, click on it and in the menu that drops down will be an entry for Compatibility Mode about 1/2 way down. Click on that one and the page should refresh as IE changes to display this site in Compatibility Mode. Look at that menu again and there will be a Check Mark next to that entry.
You only have to set the mode once for any web SITE (i.e…: ALL of Trains dot com). But if there are other sites that you want (or need) to run in Compatibiilty Mode you have to do it again for that one, too.
Norris, he may not be able to do that. When I tried posting with a version of Safari a few years ago, nothing I typed appeared when I posted. If that is what is going on, he either needs to use a different browser or e-mail someone at Kalmbach independently of the forum.
I have to use Mozilla Firefox because Safari doesn’t function properly for me on this Forum. I’m sorry for Ironhorseman if he didn’t mean to post the message(s) he did, but I’m glad that that thread got cleaned up.
im using a different computer, if this goes through the problems i am having are:
cannot post in the message body, BUT can post a topic with subject line only
can post announcement subject line , BUT not in the body
cannot message people
cannot message admin/tech support
emails to Kalmbach were getting kicked back, but finally got one through, i think
yes, got internet explorer 9 on my computer (probably should not because i hate it, got fooled by a message that said “important security update” and then boom, got IE9
was not laughing at amtrack crash, that’s my generic signature. i tried to edit my signature to an SOS message, could not even do that.
OK, if this goes through my next stop is to check my email, but being the weekend don’t know if anyone at kalmbach is around
Internet Explorer IS a security update in that it fixes several security problems. IE-9 WORKS JUST FINE for 99% of the people that use it. Other brands of browsers get fixes and updates and get wholesale changes too.
Yes, IE and Microsoft have problems, but so do all the other browsers. The only reasons Microsoft and IE “SEEM” to have more problems are that it is the most popular browser so more people are available to be complaining, and there are people that “have it in” for Microsoft, just because they hate anything that is successful.
Please, do NOT just say IE is bad, cite some examples of what it is you are talking about, otherwise it is just silly grousing and libelous.
Semper: Very true. I use Firefox, because it originated some good features before IE. However, lately at least it has some problems in spite of many versions, updates and patches. They all do.
Murray: Yes, I’ve noticed that also. They sure moved quickly from v. 4.0 to v. 5.0. Other than habit, I have been thinking of going back to IE or else Chrome.
I had IE9 loaded on my Laptop for a time…the Computer kept crashing, uninstalled it and returned to IE8.
Loaded the most recent Firefox release on my Desktop … it isn’t compatible with the Google Toolbar and several other functions I have come to rely on.
The techies need to get their heads out of their posterior orifices before they release these things and actually do some testing. Quick fixes are one thing if they actually fix something…not if they create a myriad of other problems.
IE9 works just fine. Good grief. I’m reminded about the “hue and cry” when drivers were REQUIRED to have and wear automobile seatbelts: “We’re gonna die!” Fortunately, us youth are quite adaptable to change. Just “deal with it,” and enjoy life with calm acceptance.
I will grant you that some programmers (techies, if you must) are a conceited lot and feel that if you have somehow obtained their software, that you then must want to use only their software and will thus attempt to take over your PC in every way possible. And, yes, their heads seem to be misplaced somehow.
But, since I used to write software for a living, I can attest that myself and the other programmers I worked with did everything we could to verify that the programs we wrote would run on all the hardware we could get our hands on. BUT…
Consider please the number of different hardware configurations possible and how difficult it is to do that verification. There are at least two MAJOR manufactures of computer (CPU) chips, namely, Intel and AMD, and they each manufacture a dozen or more different