They need their own thread. Nate Gerstein forwarded to me, unknown source, a great photo of the yard adjacent to the Polo Grounds, north of the 8th Avenue and 155th Street Station, land now occupied by an apartment complex. The Putnam Bridge, already then in use by 9th and 6th Avenue trains to reach the Jerome Avenue Line, is in the upper-right background.
I would not dare edit such a terrific photo.

A photo copied from the Putnam Division thread, showing a NYCentral Putnam Division train in the 8th Av. & 155th St. Station, before electrification of the Elevated, before the extension iof the Elevated over the Putnam Bridge for the opening of the Jerome Avenue line, prior to Lexington Avenue service.

Much earliker, the first use f the newly-built “West Side Elevated Railway.,” with Charles Harvey for tyhe initial test:

One of the two elevated cable-cars:

From the “Very Strange Things” thread, posted a long tine ago by Miningman, south of the Rector Street Stations of both the 9th and 6th Avenue Elevates, and northy of flat junction for a two-track shared route to South Ferr:

Also by Miningman on the very strange thongs thread, the two curves trabsitioning the Elevated from columbus (9th) Avenue using 110th Street, and the highest elevated styructure in the city. Photo from before electrification:

Color postcard view. Glad as a 5-8-year-old to have rideden it. Once, with parents, actually used the 110th St. local station, connected to nan elevator in a bulding on the north side of 110th Street.

Later, in the 1920s

Handling the original cable:

Double tracking, initial steam days:

Sixth Avenue post electrification:

Origibal south end of 6th Av. El. construction, from photo sent me by Nate Gerstein.

Those parked cars in the first August 19 photo date it to the 1930’s, not 1920’s.
Yes, I see one auto that looks like early 30s, possily as late as 1935. The picture could not be any later than that, because every single elevated car is an open-platform “gate-car,” and by 1936 a substantial number had been converted to “multplr-unit-door-control” vestibuled cars, with the operator looking ahead through two windows, not just one, since the tiny cab and controls were not moved.
Thanks for the added information.
Dave – THAT 6th Ave EL PHOTO you submitted IS NOT THE PHOTO Nate Gerstein sent you and me via email. It is your self edited and corrupted, ruined grainy fuzzy version of Nate’s photo that you presented here - as I show immediately just below!!! .

However, NOW following BELOW, “IS” the photo Nate sent you by email – which is far sharper and cleaner than your “poorly edited” copy version you posted on this forum !!

You had no right nor reason at all - to take a good sharper quality photo someone (Nate) sent to you and with nerve, put that persons’ (Nate’s) name on your poor quality edited version of his original sent photo, passing off and inferring to readers here that your poorly edited copy version was the one actually coming from Nate !!! . Nate would NEVER (nor would I) display on any forum or email, such a poor quality edited photo in place of the much sharper original on hand.
Dave, this is unconscionable conduct by you and should be stopped. This forum posting was also sent to Nate who I know will NOT be pleased with your substitution of his photo with your corrupted version with his name attached!
Regards - Joe F
Dave -
Please be more careful to GET your caption-locations ACCURATE -----
( your caption text quoted “… 43nd St. to 5th Ave…” )
---- first and then re-CHECK your typing before and when you post them.
The photo you posted (below) —

— was taken in the pre-electrification EL Forney steam loco era – and is looking WEST on W.42nd Street (and NOT on " 43nd St. ") to 6th AVENUE and the 6th Ave. EL, (and NOT " to 5th Ave " ). The view is facing west towards the uptown W. 42nd Street Local Station of the EL. Bryant Park is at left and BEHIND US, one block away east, IS actually where 5th Avenue is !!.
Regards - Joe F
Some bug is at work. I am sure I typed 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. Admittadly, my eyes at 90 cannot be perfect, and I proably need new glasses, but I do remember checking and proof-reading the caption, which will be corrected a seconf time now.
And I’ll reserve judgement on my treatment of Nate’s scan until I hear from Nate, himself. I think you are wrong, but Nate will decide for me.
A “dissapearing photo.” Hope to repost ithin 24 hours.
Hello Dave
You wrote, quoted here:
“…And I’ll reserve judgement on my treatment of Nate’s scan until I hear from Nate, himself. I think you are wrong, but Nate will decide for me…”
Dave, you likely will not hear from Nate. Nate and I speak daily by phone and email each other quite frequently. We actually spoke about this today !! And You Lose !
Nate has very strongly expressed to me (and likely others privately) his strong negative comments re; your editing of a number of photos under discussion recently (E.161st St image, The 6th Ave EL (Nates) south end of line image, the TARS Mount Vernon image which you stated-wrote with authority that it was "Bronx, 163rd & Westchester Avenue (and quite WRONG!).
Others have seen and agree with me . It is likley they do not want to deal with someone (you) who sadly cannot / will not - see his editing poor quality malfunctions . As simply being pointless for them to even get involved. Especially when they and all others can see that you continually support and defend, to me (and thus all viewers), your photo-editing usually low quality . Very sad, Dave.
Continuing - re: the 6th Ave EL Uptown Station image you posted - you wrote - quoted
“…Some bug is at work. I am sure I typed 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue. Admittadly, my eyes at 90 cannot be perfect, and I proably need new glasses, but I do remember checking and proof-reading the caption, which will be corrected a seconf time now…”
Dave, there is NO bug, as you say, at work, except yourself !! Your typos and some sentences you write are at times illegible, and thus are noted by all on your many forum postings…and emails you create. And so documented by all viewers. There was no
You are no judge, and I simply do not believe you with regard to your conversations with Nate.
Go back to my original posting of my edited version of Nate’s scan. I did not state that I posted Nate’s picture. I stated I posted a picture from material supplied bv Nate.
Further, I have asked Nate if he wishes me to remove my edited version from this website. He has not asked me to do so and continues to send me pictures, without asiking that I refrain from editing.
Anyone can enlarge Nate’s scan and my edited version and learn that:
I did not lose sharpness.
The increased graininess is purely the product of increased contrast, and the contrast is needed.
I ask you to please restrict youself only to make positive cdontributions to this thread by posting additional pictures and/or riding history and/or construction history. Do not under any circumstances carry the argument on this particular photo any further. And if Nate requests me to remove my edited version, I will be quick to comply with his wishes.
You are in no position to judge the truth of the impossible in the Middle East. I live here, you don’t. This was hardly the first time I sent out an email, even a manuscript to a publisher, that had errors I was certain I had corrected. Every reader on this Forum already knew that I know the difference between 5th and 6th Avenues and 43rd and 42nd Streets.
Finally, a reply from Nate. He also sent a new find of his, and I very lightly edited it, testing an electric loicomotive on the 9th Avenue Elevated, which I should be able to poat thia evening, after a problem in reaching Imgur is resolved. ,.
. “I do not wish to enter into this dilemma. All wanted to do is share the picture.”
Dave –
As I wrote here earlier, Nate doesn’t (nor do others we know) want to be involved with you in this edits-discussion - as he (and they) see you are doggedly set in your ways and thus it as pointless - and so I do finally.
Just as Nate told me extensively last night when he phone called me Sunday, 8-28-2022 at 4:48 PM. We spoke for one hour! He feels - as I now do - you can not be enlightened at all on this photos-poor-edit issue. I later email-wrote you privately last (Sunday) night that I was ending this discussion as it being pointless and a waste of time to get thru to you on this issue. You are set in your ways - and are going to continue doing your constant photo-editing as you please.
PS: Heh - and please DON’T blame the Middle East, nor the internet servers, nor forum sites, or whom-whatever other entities, for your many typos and at times hard to decipher “sentences” – DAVE - these are all written and done by YOU and no other “imagined entity” in your mind ! Its called thoroughly SPELL CHECK and PROOF READ each and every time - before you hit the send-submit button !!! Got it !??
So we will all move on.
regards - Joe F
Joe, you don’t live here.
The other day, in the evening, I was waiting near the Yeshiva’s for the Arab Sector 255 or 275 bus to Damacus Gate to connect with the light rail to Ammunition Hill to connect with Egged 52 or 34 to my Ma’alot Daphna Apartment. I found searching my pockets that I fad a fifty Sheckle bill and a one sheckle coin. When the 255 attived, and I handed the driver the fifty, he said “Bikas!” So I searched my right pants pocket, where the single Sheckle was and then found three, which the driver was happy ro receive.
Most small miracles that happen to me are happy ones. But some are playfully harmfull and a few are nasty.
I knowsome Egged drivers put the blame in me for the coversion of Jerusalem’s local transit system from all-bus to light-rail trunks with bus feeders.
Nate’s latest find. Electric locomotive test on the 9th Avenue Elevated. I did some light editig so the contrast and shading of the rear of the train so it is now similar to the middle and not very different than the front.